Chapter 29

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Wyatt's POV:

"What the fuck is he talking about" Ace asked jeez why did I say that

"It's nothing Ace leave it" dad said and I smiled at him

"No he my nephew aren't you the least bit concerned"

"I know what happened already if he wants to tell you he will"

"My uncle abused me" I blurted out

"Wy you don't have to"

"It's Fine it's no big deal it happens to lots of kids. Most kids have scars or are still in an abusive environment. I was lucky" I tried to reassure them

"There's nothing lucky about your situation" abuela said

"I guess but it's whatever he had every reason to hate me. I killed his sister and ruined her life" I justified

"That's not true Wyatt I saw all the pictures she loved you unconditionally and even gave up her last breath for you. You didn't ruin anything"

"I never said she didn't love me. I know she did but if it weren't for me she'd be alive and happy in Canada"

"But she was happy with you in Spain. Dont shit on her sacrifice" Xavier said

"What would he do" Alessio asked hesitantly

"Nothing just the usual beatings and degrading language"

"Stop talking about it like it's no big deal"

"It's not a big deal though"

"Yes it is kids don't get beat or talked down to"

"Well I did and I don't care. Do you want me to cry well I'm not because if I do he wins" I yelled

"Its okay you be sad and you can talk to us about anything"

"But I don't wanna..." I stop

"Look I explained what happened to my face and my abusive uncle can I just be or do you wanna talk about my mother next" my voice dropping with frustration and sarcasm

They were all taken aback and I smirked

"You can go upstairs grab your stuff and wait in the car, and you're grounded for a week" he held a cold intimidating stare that screamed don't argue with me

I nodded

"I can't hear nods Wyatt"

"Yes sir" he cringed when I called him sir. I didn't mean too it just slipped out

After I grabbed my stuff I sat in my booster seat patiently. Dad came out not too long after

"Sorry I was rude and called you sir"

"It's fine Wyatt I just don't want you in the habit of disrespecting adults"

"Even though you're super scary you're also super patient"

"Not really I blow up very easily. I just try my best around you"

"I hope I can be exactly like you one day"

"You don't wanna be like me"

"Yes I do you're awesome so is daddy I wanna be a mix of both you guys"

"Sweet talking me isn't going to unground you"

"Well the lord knows I tried" I smiled and he laughed

He got a phone call and answered it

"Mhm. Really. Well that's interesting. Thanks for telling me I'll talk to him"

"That was Maddox he says the boys told him a very different story about that bruise. Care to clarify" I sighed in defeat

"Today I made Carly cry and Johnson hit me a bunch of times with my chair. That's how I got these bruises"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier"

"You said if anything happened we'd get separated so I was scared to"

"Wyatt this is different than recreating to civil war during math. I don't want you being bullied and I won't allow you to be separated but why did you make her cry"

"She said I was gay and made fun of you guys. So I told her that her dad left cause she's a uhm bitch" I whispered the b word

"She's a what"

"A B-I-T-C-H" I spelled

"Wow you curse too"

"No it's just she's always picking on me because if my height, the fact I'm adopted, and random things. It's really annoying and I knew that would hurt her. I promise I don't curse"

"It's okay Wyatt but maybe another week will reenforce the no swearing rule"

"Ugh Fine"

"I'm going to the office tomorrow to talk to the principal"

"Okay but these bruises really are nothing"

"Please don't say things like that because it hurts knowing you can normalize pain at such a young age"

"I know I'm sorry"

He nodded and I ended up falling asleep during the rest of the drive home



Thanks for reading

Mwah 🤬

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