Chapter 36

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Vincenzo POV:

I didn't want to spank Wyatt but it had to be done. I only spanked him 15 times one for every dollar they spent on that porno mag. I told him to grab a notebook and pen afterwards to write lines. He obeyed, what I found odd was that I never told him what to write but when I came down he had a page and a half full of lines. When I peeked over his shoulder I was shocked at what he wrote

'I am nothing and will never be anything'

'I am useless'

'I killed my mom'

'I don't deserve to live'

'I deserve to get hit'

Those 5 lines were written multiple times

"Wyatt what is this" he flinched when I called his name

He looked down at his papers and crumpled them up quickly

"Sorry Sir force of habit" I scrunched up my face

"Why did you write that" he just shrugged

"Wyatt do you think this is true"

"If the shoe fits wear it" he chuckled dryly

"May I go to bed now sir I'm tired" I nodded and he dragged his feet upstairs

I grabbed the paper and went to Oscar

"Lars look at the sentences Wyatt wrote"

"Why did you make him write that you stupid cunt"

"Calm the Fuck down! I didn't tell him to write this he just did it on his own"

"Oh sorry" he said shyly

"I think we should put him in therapy. There's a lot he isn't telling us and I want him to have a space or a person to talk to" I suggested

"That won't work if he doesn't want to. I think it's best if we talk to the priest at the church. It's confidential and Wy is free to tell him whatever" he reasoned

"Ugh yeah I just don't wanna go to the church. We can go while Wyatt is in school"


We just dropped Wyatt off at school and now we're standing outside the huge Catholic Church. We walk in and are greeted by a father

"Good morning gentlemen is there anything I can help you with"

"Have you ever spoken to a boy name Wyatt"

"Ah yes he's a good kid what is this about"

"Well he's our son and we're concerned about his mental health. He would make a fuss about therapy and I'd rather not force him because it'll be less affective. Oscar figured he'd be more open and comfortable to talk to you, so would you be opposed to meeting with Wyatt regularly just so he can talk"

"Of course I wouldn't mind at all! Like I said he's a good kid. Just let me know what day and time and I'll leave myself available then"

"Thank you father" Oscar spoke

"Of course here is my number so if you're ever worried about him just give me a call"

"Will do"

"You two are great parents and Wyatt is very lucky"

"Thank you" with that we left

"He was so nice" Oscar said

"Yeah im glad Wyatt will have his guidance"


Are you guys interested in Wyatt's past?

Let me know if there's anything you'd wanna see in the story


Thanks for reading

Mwah 😘

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