Chapter 92

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Vincenzo POV

"What" I asked in disbelief

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to"

"Please tell me this is a joke" I felt my eyes begin to water

He didn't respond

"How" my voice cracked

"I don't know, I only remember having one drink. Then I started feeling sleepy and knocked out. I woke up this morning naked next to him"

I gave him a confused look

"You don't remember anything"

This doesn't add up

"Where were you two"

"The living room"

"Let's go to my office" I told him


"Because you're not the type to cheat and your story has holes. One drink can't knock you out"

We got to my office and gathered around my laptop

We started watching from when they entered the living room

"You're smoking again" I yelled

"It was one pack then I was gonna stop I swear" he fidgeted with his hand

"Why are you talking in the past tense. No more smoking Lars it's bad for you"

"I'll try but I can't make any promises" he shrugged

"Let's keep looking"

I couldn't help but smile when Lars defended my honor against Hector. Then I saw

"There! He put something in your drink while you were looking for a movie"

My blood was boiling he roofied my Oscar

We kept watching after he passed out and what I saw next made me want to explode

He took off Oscar's shirt then his pant. He went to pull down his underwear but Oscar refused

"No stooop" he slurred

"Shhhh you'll like it Oscar" he cooed

Oscar was too doped up to fight

We watched as Hector sucked Oscar off and rode him

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Oscar threw his hand over his mouth and ran out my office

I followed him out to the bathroom. I rubbed his back while he unloaded his stomach content

"I'm sorry, I should've listened to you. I'm so fucking stupid"

"Oscar this isn't your fault! He's a sick Fuck who took advantage of your kind heart. We should get you to the hospital" I told him


"So they can draw blood and see what he gave you. We don't know the side effects and it's best to be prepared"

"No I don't need anyone knowing"

"Please we have to make sure you're okay. Remember everything is confidential" he shook his head in response

"Time is of the essence. We have to go now"

"Fine" he finally caved

At the hospital

They've taken urine samples and we've talked to an officer about pressing charges. Lars is super quiet and I want to help him but I don't know how. He has to see a shrink until he's over the traumatic event.

"I'll go with you to every appointment and wait right outside in the waiting room"

"You don't have to" he said emotionlessly

"I want to"

"Let's change the subject. What did you do yesterday" he asked

"Matteo and I did mafia stuff yesterday. Then today everyone went to my parents house. They brought their kids so we had tons of kids ranging from 1 to 6 running around. You should see AJ's youngest two Louise and Lucas. They've already began their training and Louise's fighting style reminds me of yours"

"That's cute" he said monotone

"Mr and Mr Lombardi, I must say you are fortunate that it was rohypnol and not GHB"

"I wouldn't say fortunate"

"Sorry what I meant is that we were able to detect it because it stays in the body for 72 hour while GHB leaves the system after 6 to 8" the nurse explained

"Okay thank you for the results"

(A/N I don't know how long it takes for results to come in. So for the sake of this chapter it took an hour or so)

We went back to the car and he was really quiet

"Marcy, can you do me a favor"


"Don't look for me"

"What? You're not going after him. I'll find him and deliver him on a silver platter"

"I like the hunt" he shrugged

"Please don't shut me out Oscar" I begged

"It hurts" he said

I didn't realize he was crying

I pulled him into a tight hug

"We'll get through this I promise"



How is Oscar going to cope?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🧑🏾‍⚕️

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