Chapter 68

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Noelle's POV

I'm sitting in the living room of my grandparents house. The whole family is here even aunt Adriana which is a first

"Why would you just attack the poor girl" Daddy asked

"Because she deserved it sh-"

"She hugged you and you shattered her nose now we have to pay for her reconstruction surgery"

"Money is nothing" I said

"That's not the point Noelle" Wyatt said

"Oh my God everyone shut the fuck up this shit it pissing me off. What's the point of all this if you aren't gonna listen to her. Either let her explain or Fuck off" Aunt Adriana yelled

God I love her

"Fine. Noelle explain"

"She called me a Retard when she hugged me. That's what that stupid nickname ReRe means. The teachers, principal, and students call me that. They let them bully me and even encourage it. I have 24 stitches in my head from when she pushed me last month"

"What and why wasn't I called" dad asked

"They only call when I react. They had the nurse give me stitches then they gave me detention. I hate it there! They all conspire against me and I don't know why. I have to try way harder at school but she rip an assignment and call you and you believe her. That's why everything makes me angry because you let them hurt me" I yelled staring at dad

"Why would they call you that"

"Because and I quote 'I am the definition of ADHD' I'm also slightly dyslexic. Not to the point when I don't understand things or can't read. I just take longer to read. Nonetheless I'm still have an advanced vocabulary. I also have anger issues that derive from my ADHD"

"I'm sorry Noelle I'll talk to the school and sort this out"

"I don't want to keep going there. Teachers talk I'll never escape it"

"What do you want us to do then"

"I wanna transfer I took an entrance exam for that really preppy tech school and I'm the only one who got in from our school. I figured since I'm going to middle school next year and I love coding and robotics it's right up my ally. It's from 6-12 and it's closer to dance so it works out"

"I don't know Adriana I don't like the idea of you alone at a new school"

"Right so let her be bullied good one Vince" auntie said

"Fuck off Adriana let me finish as I was saying I don't like the idea but I'd rather you be happy and feel safe at school"

"So I can go" He nodded

I ran to auntie and hugged her

"Thanks for sticking up for me"

"Always blondie! I know how impulsive my brother can be and you don't strike me as someone who would fight for no reason"

"Noelle I'm sorry I didn't listen. I should've been more understanding and I'm gonna make an effort to do so in the future. I'll also drive you to and from school so we can get some bonding time"

"Cool can we go home now I'm tired"

"You woke up at 4:56" daddy said in disbelief

"Exactly" I yawned


I know this chapter was short but here you go


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🤬

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