Chapter 37

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Wyatt's POV:

I'm grounded for a whole month cause of the magazine thing. Dad spanked me for the first time and they were so disappointed. It sucks what if they return me.

"Hey Wy" daddy snaps me out of my thoughts


"We went to the church today and spoke to Father Allen"

"You told him" I was crushed he'll think I'm a perverted sinner

"No we know you don't wanna do therapy and since you were raised in the church we figured you could talk to father Allen weekly and he agreed" I couldn't help but smile

"You did that for me"

"Of course we love you"

"I love you too" I hugged them then excused myself to do homework

One of my assignments was about a family tree so I went to ask daddy and dad about our family. They were in the middle of a conversation so I eavesdropped

"You know after everything they put me through I honestly felt happy because I thought they could change for him. This is why I didn't want to let them back in" daddy said

"You don't need them Oscar"

"But I wanted them in my life. I never had what you have and sometimes I get jealous of how family oriented you are. I spent most of my life with them in a gay camp. I just wanted to be a happy family but I'll never be able to have that"

"You have me and dad and his family too. Plus I'd love to spend more time with them. They're really judgmental but then again they're old fashioned Christians. Catholics are even worse sometimes"

He pulled home into a hug

"Thanks cutie but you don't have to see them ever again"

"No I want to. You and dad are going away for business so instead of staying with nonna and nonno I can spend it with uhh, mor" I was trying to remember grandpa in Swedish

"Morfar" daddy interrupted

"Yeah what do you think"

"Absolutely not. I don't trust them with you Wyatt you're my only son I don't want them to hurt you" daddy shut me down completely

"I know they mean well. If you aren't willing to trust your relationship will never grow" I pushed

"No wyatt they're heavy disciplinarians. Talk back and you get the belt. I can't leave you alone with them"

"Please I promise if something happens I'll tell you. Plus I doubt the Lombardi family won't raise hell if something happens to me" I flashed my pearly whites

"Fine, but we'll be the first to hear of any incident" dad caved

"What the fu- flip Vince we'll be gone for over a month" daddy growled

"It's Fine Oscar they know better"

"We'll talk later"


What do you think is going to happen?

A month is a long time


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🤗

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