Episode 4 - Evil Twin

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"Focus Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge well up, harness it."

Jay's words remind me of my Father's. Lloyd sits in the middle of the room, clutching a lightbulb in his hands. His goal is to light it with the energy that he controls. Shards of glass lay at his feet from his many failed attempts. I cant help but grin at the memories; Although I never tried to light a lightbulb, I've spent hours trying to harness the same energy. The moment he succeeds, he will be overjoyed, just as I was.

"I understand. I am in control," Lloyd mumbles, squeezing his eyes tighter and grunting. The lightbulb in his hands begins to glow green.

"Come on, Lloyd. You can do it," Jay says, excitement clear in his voice.

With another grunt from Lloyd, the lightbulb glows brighter than ever before shattering. "Stupid lightbulb!" Lloyd yells. "You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try."

Kai sighs. "Sorry, Lloyd. That was the last lightbulb."

Cole steps forward with a broom, an encouraging smile on his face. "Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow."

Lloyd lets out a disappointed sigh before grudgingly taking the broom. He doesn't use it to clean his mess, however. Instead, he uses it to attack a punching bag at the back of the room. I cant help but chuckle. Jay, on the other hand, lets out an exasperated sigh.

"What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I cant seem to teach him to control his power?" he says.

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true with Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light," Uncle replies simply.

I furrow my eyebrows, allowing my mind to analyze his words. In a way, they apply to me too. In fact, they may apply to me more than they do Lloyd. I was raised in the Underworld, unlike my brother. My father's dark influence was much more prominent in my life than his. Yet, I still ended up fighting for good. I conquered my fears and chose good. I faced my inner demons and came out on the light side. Ultimately, Uncle Wu's observation is about me, not Lloyd. His observation is meant to reassure both the Ninja and myself that with patience, training Lloyd to be good can be done. I'm living proof of it.

"Hey, guys!" Nya says, waltzing into the dojo.

"Hey, Nya," we all greet her back.

"Hey, Jay. Uh, wanna come by the auto body shop later?" Nya asks, a small blush jumping to her cheeks. I wink at her, a cheeky grin plastered on my face.

"The autobody shop?" Jay repeats, oblivious to the fact that Nya is asking him out.

"Yeah. I got a part-time job. Thought I could fix up the Ultra Sonic Radar in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on," Nya explains, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

Jay grins. "Uh, sure! What you got there?"

Nya takes a letter out of her front pocket. "Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd."

Uncle Wu takes the letter from her, humming thoughtfully. "It's from Lloyd's old school."

"The Darkley School for Bad Boys?" I say, confused as to why they'd be sending him a letter.

"Formerly Bad Boys," Uncle corrects. "Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children."

Kai frowns. "Wait, they've turned good?"

"It says here there's going to be a ceremony," Uncle explains, examining the letter more thoroughly.

"I love ceremonies!" Cole declares. "That means there's going to be cake!"

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