Chapter 24: "Within"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

"This should work, right?" I asked. "I mean, we're about to find out. This is the first time any one has attempted this so we're making history," said Helpy. "William doing all this shit for sure would go straight to the publishing page if anyone ever found out about it," I noted while closing all the pages on the laptop. "Are you good Duality?" "Yes, a simple method we can work with. Can you hear me well?" he responded as his face popped up on the home screen of the computer. "Loud and clear. Volume for this thing is at max so we should be good now," I responded. "Not sure how people will take learning from a face on a computer," said Helpy. "Is that a problem?" I asked. "Oh no. Just saying how weird it'll be for some people; not me of course. I've already seen my fair share of questionable things so far and this isn't the thing that'll exceed my expectations yet," said Helpy. "You intend to learn the Resurrection Power as well. To use it and aid the others is battle," said Duality through the computer. "Really? I wasn't sure you would bother to in the first place," I said turning towards him now. "I'm afraid I cannot permit that," said Henry looking over at us from where he was working on Mangle. "Let me guess; because you created me you have the authority to stop me from doing this," said Helpy turning to look at him. "You already have a task and that's being an exit for the others when necessary," answered Henry. "I know and I don't plan on being apart of the front lines, but have you considered what would happen if the enemy attempted to attack the car, along with me if the event occurred. I got no way to defend myself and if I'm taken hostage or the car gets commandeered what then? If I'm given a weapon I can use to defend myself with in case that situation does happen, I know I can take care of myself with less ease," explained Helpy. "He's got a point. The enemy is well aware of the importance of our transportation and Helpy being the only one without a weapon or power gives the enemy an advantage over us. We need all the help we can afford to win this fight and put aside our protection over the incapable. Not when they can changed into capable fighters," I said siding with Helpy. It wasn't like Henry to be all protective over someone like Helpy, as he knew the gravity of this war long before it even started. Perhaps there was something more to the both of them than I realized.

"Henry. I have to do my part in this fight and I'm apart of it now, because I chose to. I could've easily sat on the sidelines and pray our side at least won, though I'm still doing that every day as we get closer to our siege on the pizzeria. I expect to be included and you can't stop me if you try... and if I fall... " continued Helpy. "I know... " responded Henry seeming like he knew what Helpy was going to say next. "Are you sure you want to do this? There is no turning back or guarantee of your outcome." "I've made up my mind long ago, it's just you that has to acknowledge the oath I've sworn now," responded Helpy. "He's right. Helpy has decided to involve himself in this war because he knows sooner or later he would be forced to join. Better to join on your own free will," said Mangle as we all turned towards her. "We shouldn't dictate someone else's choices or their way of proceeding their life, that's not our job. Joining this war won't guarantee his survival as you stated Henry, but all of us knew that when we realized what were getting into and Helpy knows that as the rest of us do." Henry turned to look back at Helpy, as be sighed for a moment at his following decision and realization of Mangle's and Helpy's words. "You're both right. I can't stop you for going through with this decision; you are free to live your life the way you see fit. You have my support," he said now. "That's the Henry we know," said Helpy with a smile now. "Thank you. Now I have something to request for you; I want you to get some rest." "Excuse me?" responded Henry confused on what he meant. "You've worked nonstop last week and this one with minimal sleep, along with the little time spent on taking breaks. This may be a one time thing, or I least I hope it is, because the progress you achieve that helps us only weakens your own mental health. Just take a damn break so we don't have to find you passed out on the floor," explained Helpy. "You under-" "Don't worry, we'll make due without you for a while and we'll head to bed in a couple of hours anyway. Just rest up alright? So we don't have to knock you out cold instead," said Helpy cutting him off. "Alright. I am in need of rest and some time off working, I'll admit. Though I trust you and Freddy can settle any tensions that may rise in my absence, let alone with anything else comes up," responded Henry. "Hate to get your hopes up but the worst thing that can happen is someone choking and dying from a midnight snack," said Helpy. "Or if the enemy possibly launches an attack on Henry house," I said bringing forth the thought. "Well, that too," said Helpy. "Indeed William could attack my house at any time, though it is odd why he hasn't done so since we are a problem to him, unless he has a reason to do so. On that note it would also seem William has not bought or owned another house, even after he seemingly abandoning the one Freddy and his friends lived in," explained Henry. "The thing is, he didn't abandoned his house he intended it to go to Freddy once he was created, all to fit in with the illusion of his death and false wish to take his place," noted Duality. "So now Afton has been staying at his pizzeria?" I questioned. "Funny enough, yeah. You would think someone like him would just buy a new house instead of probably sleeping on the bathroom floor in his own pizzeria. Kinda sad but enough for me to feel bad for him. Well almost," answered Helpy. "Even if he does attack this place we'll be ready for him. If that day does come." "Very well. I hope the training goes well," said Henry. "Could you do me favor and let the others know the training is ready and about to start?" I said to him. "I will let them know before I head off to bed. I leave the rest in your hands," responded Henry once more. He walked away from us and towards the door, as I turned towards Helpy who was watching Henry leave the garage. "I guess welcome to the team officially," I said to Helpy. "Right... " responded Helpy with an attitude focused on questioning the meaning of my words. His head shot back at the door closing behind Henry walking inside the house now, clearly making it obvious something was bothering him. "Didn't know he held such value towards your well-being," noted Mangle while straightening her posture against the pillow she was leaning on. "I didn't realize he had those sentiments until now," said Helpy in response. "You didn't expect him to have those feelings?" I said looking at Mangle. "No, just... a lot more about him we learn each passing minute," she responded. "Doesn't surprise me though. He cares for all of us, though more for me as if I'm a child. To an extent of course," said Helpy. "Can't say the same for Charlie; I don't know what's going on with that." "He hasn't spoken to her?" I questioned. "Barely! Unless I haven't been there to see shit or some conversing between the two!" exclaimed Helpy. Just as he had expressed his feelings about Henry and his daughter the door to the house opened, as everyone walked inside now. Michael was the first one to walked in with Foxy behind her, then Bon Bon, and the others as they each made their way towards us. "What were you two just talking about just now?" asked Foxy as she and Michael stopped near me and Helpy. I turned to Helpy, as he did the same with his face stern as it could be; showing the resentment from answering Foxy's question. "Well... " I tried to say turning back to face the others. I was unsure of my stance on the situation: Charlie was in the room with us and I wasn't sure if she wanted personal matters to be mentioned at all, yet she could need others to talk with about her current relationship with her father. "What? Hiding something from the rest of us? Gonna keep secrets from us like William?" demanded Bon Bon stopping beside Foxy. "Don't compare him to William, not against our sworn enemy! I'm sick of you attacking Freddy because you can't trust him like you used to!" exclaimed Foxy turning and point towards him. I was shocked to see Foxy like this as I had never seen her mad, including the frustration that carried her anger. "Guys stop!" I said trying to end the feud before it escalated. "Oh here she goes! Off to defend her boyfriend like usual!" responded Bon Bon who seemed to ignore the flack he was currently receiving. "I'm not defending her because he's my boyfriend, I'm doing this because you have no right to vent your own frustrations he had nothing to do with!" exclaimed Foxy back. "Maybe he hasn't hurt you but god fucking damn he's done some damage all around us you can't see!" exclaimed Bon Bon in retaliation. "Break it up! Both of you!" said Bonnie walking in between the both of them and sticking both his hands out in front of them. "Arguing about our problems isn't going to do a thing, so at least result it in a different matter. That's includes a fistfight so no punches." "I started this quarrel so I'll resolve it," I said. "Me and Helpy were discussing Charlie's current relationship with Henry." "Welp! Secrets out, so no blame on me," said Helpy. "No one was going to blame you. Why would you think that?" said Mangle on the table. "Because we have individuals who would point fingers at the first person they saw," responded Helpy. "Oh you're about to experience-" "Alright enough!" exclaimed Michael cutting off Bon Bon, as he stepped in front of him and Helpy to prevent a fight from breaking out. "Quit it Bon Bon or you'll be out of the next mission for good, possibly any future one's if you keep on!" threatened Bonnie pointing at him. "Now that's something Mangle would say!" exclaimed Springbonnie in excitement. "Well he's doing a good job with his threats, though we'll see how he does with discipline," noted Michael. "What sparked interested involving my father and I to you?" asked Charlie. Her voice didn't hold any distaste with her questions, she simply wanted to know. "Well... Helpy mentioned how it seems you and your father haven't really talked. Though we only assumed so from what we've seen," I responded. "Huh! Can't even stay out of family affairs!" huffed Bon Bon crossing his arms in disappointment. "You're really impressing me on how you can complain more than what I was capable of, and not the way you don't to be heading towards if you don't shut up!" expressed Bonnie who really was starting to head towards his breaking point. "Look I brought it up because I know a lot about your father, more than I would like to know at times but he created me after all. I expected the guy to be more lively and happy, and I guess he did check those feelings off the list," explained Helpy. "Though it seems those feeling were a one-time thing since he's back to spending hours on his work and no time dedicated with you. Look I hate to get sentimental over this or be involved but without the two of you interacting... You're one of those I'm sure he's happy to see again."  The room went quiet for a moment after Helpy's words, as we all awaited for Charlie's response to him, if she would address his question that is. "If you wish to know so badly," said Charlie finally. "To be honest I've been avoiding my father or any talk with him ever since I've arrived, mainly due to the fear of getting things back on track." "Never thought I would hear those feelings expressed from someone like you," noted Michael. "Why's that?" asked Foxy. "From the times I've spent talking to Pu- Sorry, I mean Charlie... she seemed well-versed on herself and surviving all these years. Not only that but for her to mature from the age she was at when... I killed her... is admirable, considering that kept her going all these years," explained Michael. "Well unfortunately, you're wrong. It's true I matured over the years in order to survive, learned new words from the customers by listening in on conversation if I could, and helped the poor souls who were without guidance... but deep down I was still the child that I was before my life was taken," answered Charlie. "I may have matured, but not the normal way one grows over time like most do. And I think because of it this is the way I am now, and possibly will always be. I don't think me and my father can go back on track after all the years and how they've affected me, and even if there is hope there is no time to take action due to the upcoming day where we attack William... There might be the chance I might not even survive through all of this." "The same goes for all of us," I added in. "Though that shouldn't be an excuse for not, at least, trying to get things back to normal. You're reunited with your father again, and you have us to assist you on mending back that relationship, should you want it. If you don't at least try you'll never have that relationship you and your father had all those years ago, and William isn't allowing us much time to live our lives normally." Charlie's eyes pointed towards the floor. The others patiently, without any movements, watched her consider my words as their way of acknowledging my words as well. "Family's important. And personally... I wouldn't want to waste an opportunity that you possess," I added in. Charlie's eyes darted with my own and made contact for a moment before shooting back towards the floor again, as the moments towards her answer inched closer. 

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