Chapter 14

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Third Person

Owen sat at his desk, looking through a new case. That he had just been given to by his superior.

He was given his first ever murder case. A lot of pressure was on his shoulders since this was his first one. Yes he has worked on ones before. But  he only did small jobs like patroling the area. But this time he was getting the full experience.

His boss thought he was the perfect person for this case. That it was time to give Owen something harder. Since he earned it. Maybe if he did well on this case he might even get a pay rise?

Not only did Owen have the case to worry about. But it was also coming up to Christmas time and right now he was a bit tight on money.

Even though it was still November. He wanted to make Camerons first Christmas with them special. He wants to do everything like ice skating, visting santa and much more. But only if he had the money. Christmas was on a budget right now.

Not to mention they still had to do up Camerons new room. Which the boys still haven't gotten the chance to do it yet. They were hoping to clear out the office today and move in her stuff. That had been sitting in the uncleared officed.

With Mason working it helped. But Mason still had to pay his college fees. So not all of his money that he earned in the local supermarket went to Owen. Since he didn't really earn that much. But little things help.

Owen sighed running his hand through his hair, leaning back into his chair. Looking at all the documents infront of him.

One thing about this case was there was something missing. Something that he left out and thats why all the pieces don't match up.

He still needed to take witness reports and check out all the evidence and such. He had so much to do in so little time. Since the family was depending on him to put the victim to justice.

After about another hour. It was finally time for Owen to head home and collect Cameron. Owen had a rule that once his hours were over he wouldn't spend longer on his work only if necessary. It was his way of taking care of his own mental health. Taking a break to relieve any stress.

But everyone has there own ways of taking care of their mental health and this was his. Owen trys his best to enforce this rule on his brothers. Making sure they take their own breaks to recharge. Especially Mason since he is always on the go.

Owen had pulled up to 'Sunshine Daycare' collecting his ball of sunshine. As he waited he watched all the other kids come out and go to their own parents. He always thought it was adorable seeing Cameron and Ava hug saying goodbye.

Cameron walked towards Owen a lot more gloomy. This was out of habit for Cameron since she usually runs up and gives Owen a big squeeze.

Cameron made grabby hands at Owen. Which he lifted her up. When he did she layed her head on his shoulder. Sniffing in his cologne. It was comfort for Cameron.

Owen rubbed his index finger on her cheek. "Cam whats wrong?" He cooed.

But she didn't answer. Maybe she was too tired and needed a nap. He let out a sigh placing her into her carset. Then making his way to the driver seat and driving home.

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