Chapter 39

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Owen decided to give Noah another day off since his reaction to the news. He was also taking a day off. Cameron was going back to daycare and Mason was going to college.

Owen and Mason knew they had to talk to Noah since the past day he hasn't been acting like himself but just cuddling in bed with Cameron.

So they had both decided last night that Owen would talk to him while it was just them two in the house.

Mason was dropping Cameron to daycare by the bus. To Cameron this was amazing she hadn't been on the bus in ages and everytime she did she got so excited.

"Now remember Cameron you have to hold my hand and make sure to be be careful while the bus is driving. Don't forget to hold onto the bars." Mason told Cameron. They both stood at the bus stop. Cameron rocked back and forth on her heels asking everytime a bus passed by if it was the right one.

Mason made sure Cameron was all wrapped up. Today she had hidden her hat and gloves under the couch cushions. The only way he knew they were there was because he saw her do it this morning.

"Mase I've been on the bus before with Mommy." She looked up at Mason with a dead straight face. Like it was the most obvious thing kn the world. Mason just smiled down at her.

"I know but I just want you to be safe." He rubbed his finger along her pink chubby cheeks. Cameron let put a small giggle.

The bus came and Mason made sure Cameron got on first, he followed behind her making sure to have a tight grip on her small hand.

Mason gave the bus man some money and he got their tickets heading to the middle of the bus. Mason let Cameron get in first letting her sit beside the window.

Cameron peered out the window as they started to drive. Mason looked down to Cameron in adoration. She was just cute.

After about four stops they were down the road from the daycare. It was only a three minute walk from the bus stop. Mason didn't mind the walk he just hoped Cameron didn't mind it.

He made sure Cameron walked on the inside of the paths and held her hand tightly afraid she would wriggle out of his grip and run onto the road.

"How long do we walk for?" Cameron asked.

"Cam it's how long do we have to walk for." Mason corrected Cameron. "Were almost there don't worry."

Cameron and swung there hands as she skipped down the road the only way she could keep up with Masons larger steps.

They finally reached the Daycare. The warm heat hit them as soon as they walked in. As usual Julia stood by the door but she looked less tired then yesterday. Maybe it was the weight off her shoulders that she wasn't pregnant?

Mason crouched down to Cameron's height. "I'll see you later munchkin okay?" He smiled pulling Cameron into a hug. He hated letting go of Cameron's hugs.

Cameron nodded. "I'll miss you Mase." She whispered into his ear.

"I'll miss you too munchkin. But after Daycare you can give me lots and lots of hugs and kisses." Mason said pulling away and planting a kiss on her cheek. Cameron smiled coping his action giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Mason stood up dusting off the imagery dust off his jeans. He smiled to Julia. "Morning."

"Morning." She smiled.

Cameron waved Mason off as she walked into the class. Once she saw her friends at the table her eyes widened in remembrance of something she needed to ask them.

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