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A couple days later and Brighid was up bright and early wiping down tables at Karen's cafe.

"I didn't think you were serious about doing this" Brighid hissed.

"Every. Now put on a happy face, customers will be here any minute" Deb lectured.

"Morning" Haley greeted as she walked in, flipping the closed sign to open.

"Morning" Deb cheerfully greeted.

"Hey" Brighid said after her mother nudged her.

"Come on girls. We got this" Deb said with a smile.

"Hey, look, I just want to say. I think you and Nathan. Your good for each other" Brighid whispered to Haley who smiled.

Brighid and Haley helped Deb with the morning rush until they had to leave for school.

The two walked up talking with each other when Nathan came over, he pushed a piece of Haley's hair behind her ear.

Brighid not wanting to be the third wheel walked away to find Lucas who was at his locker.

"Just wanted to say thanks. Nathan explained everything to me yesterday" Brighid shyly explained.

"It's no problem. Glad you're okay" Lucas said with a smile.

"It's nice to have another brother" Brighid mumbled before walking away.
Later that night Brighid sat with her dad and Nathan at the island eating takeout from Karen's.

"How's your sandwich?" their dad asked.

"Almost warm" Nathan joked.

"It's good. Give mom credit" Brighid said nudging Nathan.

"I'll start cooking again. Unless your mother comes to her senses" Dan commented taking a sip of his milkshake.

"You know just when I think things can't get any weirder mom takes over Karen's cafe. I think I might invite Lucas over to spend the night" Nathan commented.

Dan shot Nathan a look.

"Well, your mother isn't hasn't exactly been herself lately. It might help if you both tell her your happy. She thinks I ruined your lives" Dan said.

"Debatable" Brighid commented getting a nasty look from her dad. "Kidding" she said trying to cover up her tracks.

Brigid took another bite of her sandwich as Dan began to grill into Nathan, once again, which was from surprising.

"Come on dad. Can't we not talk about oh I don't know, basketball for one solid minute?" Brighid asked.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late" Deb said as she dropped her purse on the counter.

"I'm happy mom. Dad loves me" Nathan said in the most sarcastic tone possible. Deb shot Dan a look not sure what had transpired.

"Dad did not ruin my life" Brighid said grabbing her last fry and heading up to her room.
The following night it was Ravens vs Cover City. Nathan had been trying so hard defeat Dan's record.

Brighid watched from the sidelines as Nathan rocked back and forth clinging onto the ball. Suddenly the ball drops and Nate's body goes falling backwards colliding hard with the floor.

"Nate?" Brighid yelled running to Nathan's side. The team gathered around him followed by Whitey.

"Someone call an ambulance" Whitey yelled.

"Nate wake up" Brighid cried.

"Brig, step back" Brooke said grabbing the girl by her shoulders. She watched as Nathan and her dad were taken to the hospital in the ambulance.

"Okay, let's keep playing" Whitey announced. Brighid stood on the sidelines trying to focus on cheer instead of crying.

After the game she walked out checking her phone.

"You okay?" Jake asked coming up from behind her. She instantly turned around grabbed him in a hug. Sobbing into his shoulder. He softly stroked her back.

"Let me drop you off at home" Jake whispered wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her to his car.

The ride was silent. Jake pulled into the driveway placing the car in park.

"Thanks" Brighid muttered wiping the stray tears.

"Let me know how he is" Jake muttered back. She smiled before opening the truck door. She walked up in to find her parents fighting.

"PACK A BAG AND GET OUT!" Deb yelled. Brighid closed the door slightly harder to catch their attention.

"Brig honey, you're home. Hungry?" Deb asked.

"Brighid go pack a bag. We are going to the beach house"

"You are not taking my daughter away!"

"She's my kid too!" Dan yelled back.

"I think I'm going to go out" Brighid said hesitantly. She ran out the front door to find Jake just pulling away.

"Brig?" He called out from his rolled down window.

"Can I stay the night?" Brighid asked. Jake sighed. "Screw my parents and there silly rules" Brighid continued.


Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now