Chapter 22: Don't get me wrong

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I wasn't able to sleep last night. First of all, I had to get rid off all the marble syrup that was in my hair and then I couldn't stop thinking about him. I know I hated him at first, but I really like him now.

I put on my uniform when I saw Fred's cloak and jumper still lying in my trunk.

I went to class without seeing him today because didn't have the same timetable.

I sat outside because it was a beautiful evening finishing all my homework I got today.

Then someone sat down and pushed me which resulted in me falling on my side.

"You know you are really boring doing your homework all the time" I sat up and looked in Fred's eyes.

"I should really ask?" Oh no it happened again. I looked into his mind.

"Well at least I do my homework not like you!" I joked

"I do my homework sometimes" he smirked "I need to ask you something!"

"I know" still regretting looking into his mind

"Wait what?! Did Georgie tell you?" he asked nervous.

"No! I am sorry Fred, but I accidently looked into your mind" I confessed

"Did you just call me by my name?"

"I guess?!"

"OMG, I got you! Don't worry about looking into my mind! But what is your answer?" he seemed like really nervous.

"Oh, I don't know" I looked in Fred's disappointed face and cleared up "I only read that you want to ask me something not what"

"Great! Brilliant!" he started "So I wondered since you know ehm" he stuttered and took a deep breath "Do you want to be girlfriend?"

I was overwhelmed I mean we made out a few times but am I ready yet? I stood there completely lost in my own mind not able to say anything at all.

"Come on it's not like I can read minds!"

"Yeah sorry! Don't get me wrong I really enjoy hanging out with you but there are rumours about you, and I am ready yet. Maybe we can hang out more and you know!" I was comfortable telling him, but it was just too fast.

"Yeah ok I guess" Fred looked really disappointed though "We can just hangout surer. See you around!" and with that he left.

I felt awful. I mean I like him, but I am not ready yet. Maybe this sounds weird because I am already 17 but I was never in a relationship before.

I made my way back to the castle still overthinking everything. I was scared that I friend zoned him, but I didn't though 

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