Chapter 47: I wasn't there to help them

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I was awake the whole time.

I couldn't stop thinking about Fred and what he said.

I checked the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was already 4:30h.

The sun will rise soon.

I have never seen the sunrise here because I usually wake up later, but I felt like it was a good opportunity to get mind free.

Since I didn't know how cold it was outside, I quickly grabbed my coat and made my way downstairs when I smelled that someone was making tea.

Really? Tea? At 4:30h in the morning?

I quickly glared into the kitchen but when I saw red short hair I decided to head to the door since I didn't feel like talking to him

"Is that you Y/N?" I turned around to see Fred standing behind me

"No, it is Rowena Ravenclaw" I said

"Very funny" he said sarcastically "Anyways...uhm...ok this might be awkward but..."

"What do you want? I want to see the sunrise and I am still not sure by the way" I told him

"Ok so, uhm... I know this weird, but I get kinda scared when I apparate a long distance on my own" he confessed

"But you took me here on your own" I pointed out

"Yeah, but that was already a stressful situation and ... yeah"

"You are 19 years old! I think you can do on your own and you could also use Floo powder" I pointed out

"Yeah, that is how I got here but Bill and Fleur run out of their Floo powder"

"So, what are you suggesting?" I asked

"Maybe you could take me back to the flat" he suggested

"No" I opened the door and the cold air hit me, but I kept walking.

Unfortunately, Fred followed me "Why not?" he asked

"Because Bill and Fleur will be worried where I am" I told him as an excuse

"You can leave them a note. Also, you could visit Ms. Scamander. She is probably worried about you"

"Good point but still no!"

"Come on! I understand that you don't like me, but George needs me back in London"

"I thought Katie was with him"

"Yes! Still, please? Just this one time! You never have to talk to me afterwards and I won't annoy you with weird stalker letters" he told me, but I could see the sadness in his eyes

"Fine! But I will leave right after we arrive" I agreed since he annoyed me "But I have to go inside and leave a note"

"I already did that"

"Alright" I agreed "Take my hand then" I offered him my hand while taking out my wand, which I had in my pocket

"With pleasure" he joked

"Cut it!" I told him and he just simply nodded and grabbed my hand

Second later everything around us started spinning before I landed on a wooden floor

"Ouch" I said when I hit the floor

"Here" Fred offered his hand and I took it to get up "Thank you again Y/N!"

"It is nothing! Anyways I will leave again now" I told him

"Goodbye" was the only thing Fred said before everything started spinning again.

I landed on my bed.

Everything was how I left but for some reason the house felt weird.

I check the time and it was now 5 a.m. I decided to go downstairs to make some breakfast.

But when I went downstairs the house seemed oddly quiet.

First, I decided to not worry too much since it was still early in the morning but when I opened the fridge to see that there was nothing there, I got sceptical.

I've decided to go into the cellar to check on the creatures, but they were all gone...

And then it hit me....

What if Lydia got attacked? And I wasn't there to help her...

What if Rolf tried to fight but there were just too many of them?

Some of the creatures could be useful for the dark Lord...

And I wasn't here to help them. I never thought that something could happen but of course it would because this world is f*cked up.

I felt tears streaming down my face and even though I don't cry often I felt weak.

There are or were I don't know.... The closest thing to a family I've ever had.

I sat there what felt like hours when suddenly someone wrapped their arms around me.

I was so hurt that I didn't care who it was

"Shhh! Breathe everything is fine" the person assured me. I still couldn't figure out who it was that talked to me but in this moment, I didn't care because the person was there for me

"I wasn't there! I didn't help them! It is all my fault" I cried

"No it is not! Look at me!" the person lifted my chin and I looked in a pair of hazel eyes

"What are doing here?" I suddenly asked him but after I looked around, I got even more curious.

I saw George, Emily and even Katie standing behind Fred

"What are you all doing here?" I asked again

"We will take you back to the flat and explain everything if that is alright" Fred spoke up

"There is nothing to explain! They are gone and I wasn't there to help them"

"Y/N, Lydia and Rolf are both fine" Katie said and kneeled down next to me "Come on, we will explain everything, but let's return back to the flat" she took my hand and helped me up after Fred let go off me "Alright?" she asked and I just simply nodded.

Everything started to spin again and before I even realised it I sat on a comfortable couch and someone handed me a cup of tea.

When I finally processed some parts I spoke up "Will someone explain me what is going on?" I asked and looked at all of them sitting across from me even though I looked especially at Fred for not reasonable reasons and he looked hurt

"This morning Fred came into our rooms telling us that he needs our helps" Emily started

"And of course, we all jumped out off our beds since Freddie screamed at us" George continued

"But of course, we wanted to know what was going on so Fred explained everything. How I understood it is that when he returned home a letter from Bill and Fleur arrived which said that Victor sent them a letter he got from Rolf" Katie explained "You probably are asking yourself what the letter said right? Well since Rolf didn't exactly knew where you were, he sent Victor a letter telling him that Ms. Scamander and he are moving back to the United States for their own safety. But since Victor wasn't with you anymore, he sent the letter to Bill and Fleur because he thought that you were still staying with them but you left this morning with Fred so they sent the letter here" she finished

"So, they are fine and not hurt?"

"There are safe Y/N! And they are fine but maybe you should write them" Fred suggested 

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