Chapter 46: I will kill him

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"Come on let's go inside" Fred told me and swung an arm around me

"Just because I talk to you again doesn't mean that we are friends or anything!" I pushed his arm from my shoulder

"Why not? I get why you don't want to go back from where we left but we can at least be friends can we?" he asked

"Look Fred, I don't know! I see how much you regret everything but you hurt me too many times and I don't know if I can trust you again" I sighed "I need to think about it! On the other hand, you should get home! It is getting dark outside and we are living in dark times"

"Are you worried about me Darling?"

"Don't call me that! And I just think that everyone should be careful in these times!"

"Relax! I talked to Bill and I can stay for the night. I don't even wanna go home to be honest! Katie is visiting again and I can't stand it when they are eating each other's faces the whole time" he laughed but I felt like there was something else bothering him.

I was curious so when our eyes met for an awkward second, I tried my best to see what is going on in his mind but there wasn't anything

"Mum trained us! In case some death eater bastards are trying to get into our minds" he laughed

"How did you know I was trying to?" I asked him confused

"Oh, come on! It is not so hard! You don't like eye contact and you think that it is super awkward so you try to avoid it especially with people you don't like or people you just aren't close to. And I figured out that since you still haven't completely forgiven you would find eye contact awkward" he explained

"You sure that the Sorting Hat put you in the right house 9 years ago?" I joked but I was really was impressed how much attention he pays

"Sure! It takes lots of courage to apologize to someone you haven't talked to in a while and I did it all by myself so yeah Gryffindor was definitely the right house" I couldn't help but chuckle "Come on lets go inside or otherwise you'll catch a cold and I will especially" he laughed while he opened the door still with his wet clothes on

"You still care about me?" I joked but regretted it right after I heard his answer

"Always and forever"

"There you are Y/N! I was worried because you didn't come 'ome for quite some time and you better get change before you'll catch a cold Frederick!" Fleur came up to us as soon as we entered

"Of course, Miss Delacour" Fred laughed and made his way up the stairs

"I told him not to call you that" Bill came up to us "And anyways it is not Delacour anymore" he winked at his wife

"Oh, cut it Bill!"

"Seems like my WIFE isn't in the best mood today" he laughed "Anyways now to Y/N, how did this d*ckhead do?"

"Language Bill!" Fleur told him

"Sorry but honestly how did he do?" he asked me as excited as a 1st year arriving at Hogwarts for the first time

"He apologized and I think he tried to learn from his mistakes but-" I took a long pause

"But?" Bill asked me still excited

"I don't know but I feel like if I will just forgive him like that he may go back to old behaviour and I don't even know if I can forgive him like that! I mean he already had his chances and he screwed them up!" I explained

"Mon cheri, I can understand my sister's ex-boyfriend was a dick and I know 'ow she felt and I can just imagine 'ow you felt back then so I totally understand" Fleur gave me a hug

"Language" Bill laughed

"Don't listen to 'im" she looked at Bill "You should think about everything that 'appened and if Fred doesn't understand that he is l' ordure"

"Trash" Bill translated "Anyways she is right! And if Fred will ever hurt you or even bother you, I will kill him" he told me and it felt great to know that I have those two that actually care about me. I mean yeah, I also have Victor and maybe sometimes Katie and Cho but I haven't talk to them in ages

"Now 'ow about you get some sleep and take the night to think about everything" Fleur smiled at me and I said good night to the both of them and made my way upstairs.

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