Chapter 6: The Boy With The Red Hair

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The rest of the term flew by, and before we knew it, it was Christmas break. I had turned another year older, but didn't really feel any wiser.

I was trying to decide where I wanted to spend the holiday, at school or with mum. I missed my mum very much, but she wrote and told me that her and dad had been fighting quite a lot recently, which made me sad. My parents were very much in love, or so it seemed..

As I sat in the clocktower court yard that night mulling this decision, Fred walked up to me.
"Looking sad today love. What's eating ya?" he asked in the most charming and comforting way possible.

"My mum wrote and told me that her and my dad have been fighting a lot recently, more than ever before," I said. "Not that you care. Sorry.. you hardly know me and I'm spilling my family drama already."

"Oi, it's quite fine! I don't mind. Coming from a family of 7 children— drama is something I'm very used to," he snickered.

"7?!" I tried to hide my surprise.

"That's right! Oldest brother Bill, then there's Charlie, Percy, me & George, I'm older," he added with a wink. "Then Ron, whom you know as well, and we finally have our sister Ginny- She'll be coming here next year!"

"Oh my, that's a whole lot!" I laughed.

"See, I told ya, I'm used to drama. So why are you out here alone anyway?" he continued.

I paused, deciding on if I wanted to tell him or not. I didn't want to seem whiny, but I did need to talk it out, as Luna had already gone for the holiday. "Okay, if you're sure.." he just smiled and shook his head 'yes.'

After I told him all my mom had told me about her and dad, fighting, bouts of not talking, just feeling different toward one another, he said something. "I reckon that sounds a little dodgy."

"Hah, yeah.. feeling a bit gutted about it," I replied, sniffing to stop a tear.

"Well what are ya thinking about?" he asked, looking down right sad for me.

"If I should go home for the holiday or just stay here. I miss my mum terribly, but if they're fighting this bad, I don't want to be around my dad like that," I paused.

"Well.." he paused too. "I think you should try to this time 'round and if it's too much for you, then over summer you can go somewhere else."

"Oi, thats a good idea," I mentioned with a slight smile.

"If it's all the same, I know we just met and all, but I would hate to see you be sad for the holiday." He jumped up and pulled something out of his pocket and whipped it around the fountain that sat in the middle of the courtyard. It exploded over me and left a trail of glitter and fireworks in its wake. I laughed.

"That'a'girl," he said reigning in the object.
I smiled in return.

"The Weasley's aren't leaving till tomorrow, if ya need to talk more..." he looked at me, with curious eyes.

"Thank you!" I smiled back. He winked at me and walked back inside.

I didn't stop smiling the rest of the night. What was it about that boy with the red hair?

Hogwarts Untold: Love, Life, and Loss on School Grounds. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora