Epilogue: Part 23

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"Mary!" I was greeted with warm smiles and a hug from mum Weasley. She saw my little bulge and put her hand on it. I had tears in my eyes.

She hugged me. "mum Weasley.. I know should've called or wrote, but you told me I didn't have too.... and I wasn't sure.."

"Happy you're here! Wouldn't want ya in Diagon Alley by yourself with a baby!"

"Babies.." I whispered proudly.

"Babies?! Ohh! Arthur, come here! She's having twins!" Everyone heard and I blushed.

"Merlin! That's wonderful!" Arthur smiled.

"Boy and girl.." I smiled to everyone in the room.

"Twins?! Who's havin twins?" I heard a soft voice ask, it was Bill. He continued to walk down the stairs.

"I am, Bill!" I was starting to become more confident and comfortable with my situation.

"Oi! That's wonderful! Who's the lucky bloke?" He asked innocently.

"Oh.. erm, ya don't know him..." I swallowed hard.

"William Arthur Weasley!" Mum Weasley snapped at her oldest son. 

"Its okay Mum Weasley.."

"Sorry about him, Mary. William knows better. Anyway.. let's eat! Hungry dear?" She asked.

"Extremely!" I smiled.

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