Mr. Snipes

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(Jordyn's POV)

I cry into Harry's shoulder as he rushes me through the house, dodging tables and furniture on the way. My teary eyes begin to see the hectic madness is slow motion. Every turn, every picture on the wall. Every memory I've made here seems to close in on me and threat to suffocate me. Though, suffocating seems more graceful, gently. It's feels like I'm being buried alive by shards of broken glass.

Mentally, that is.

Physically, there's a deep and excruciating pain that starts in my abdomen and sharpens the lower it travels. The lower part of my back aches and I feel like I need empty myself of every once, every calorie of food in my body.

"It's okay, love. We're almost there just hold on. We're almost there. Just breathe, breathe." He begs.

It's now that I realize I'm crying so hard my greeting lungs are fighting for oxygen. I don't know which one hurts less, holding a breath in, or trying to suck in another one. The least bit of pressure feels like a car slowly running me over.

But Harry's right, I need to breathe.

I try to calm myself down as he quickly buckles me in the Jeep. But he's so frantic, I only find myself being more of a slave to my scattered nerves. After many tries to get the seatbelt to lock, he finally succeeds and runs around the front of the Jeep to literally jump in the drivers seat.

He speeds the entire way to the hospital and if weren't so weak, I would actually think to care.

I lean against my window and listen as Harry calls the closest hospital. He has to call ahead because we can't exactly walk in. The press would have a field day. And I think Harry just might end up killing one of those assholes if they mess with him right now.

"They've agreed to sneak us through the back." Harry tells, holding my shoulder gently to comfort me, but it would honestly be more comforting to have him drive with both hands at the moment. I want to tell him to keep both of his hands on the wheel if he's going to drive like this, but I don't have the strength.

My head is starting to spin and it's becoming gradually harder for me to keep my eyes open. It must be from the loss of blood. My heart starts to break at my own conclusion.

I'm not naïve and I'm not hopefully. I'm realistic. I know what's to come. Even if it has yet to happen already. The odds of me having a child after tonight are no longer in my favor.

They sit me in a wheelchair and take me an elevator around the corner. At the very top floor-the VIP area, I'm assuming-I'm surrounded by a team of nurses and doctors. Harry takes the lead and picks me up, carefully setting me in a bed in a large room. It is a nice room for a hospital, but I'm not one to care about luxury, especially not now. I just want the pain to stop.

"Listen sir, I know you want to be with her, but I have to ask you to wait outside." A man says.

"I can't leave her!" Harry raises his voice, a rare occurrence for him.

"Harry, please." I beg with all the strength I can gather. "Let them do their job. I'll be fine."

His eyes meet mine and they're as broken as I feel. He makes his way through the crowd of nurses to get to my side. With his unsteady, warm hands, he brushes my messy hair out of my face and tucks some behind my ear. "I'll be right outside. I'm not going anywhere." He swears.

My lip quivers as I nod my head. "I love you." I whisper through my lack of energy.

"I love you, Jordyn Claire." A tear breaks from his piercing green eyes and this is the first time it hurt to look at him.

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