Green Hat- Amani x Alex

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Just wanna give a huge thank you to Yuilesmollbeanuwu, who requested this ship! 

Amani's POV 

I stood there in the cold, waiting for my bus to come zooming around the corner. I stamped my feet and tried to force some warmth into them. I rubbed my arms and tried to force warmth into them. I blew on my hands and rubbed them together, but they just got colder. I sniffed. My nose was running like heck, and it was snowing hard. 

My name is Amani, and I was waiting for my bus to pick me and the other neighborhood kids for school. I tried to convince my mother to drive me, but she has a ton of meetings and can't. So I'm stuck riding the stupid bus to school. 

My black hair smacked my face, so I pushed it back. My hands were shaking like heck. I was quivering, and my nose was running. I had no little packs of tissues. WHY HAD I NOT REMEMBERED MY TISSUES?! I could see them sitting on the counter. Man, Mom was gonna be so mad. 

I wish the stupid bus would just come. 

Alex's POV

It was cold and I was cozy. My thick black coat, deep blue gloves, dark green hat. On-point and warm. I had tissues in my back pocket in case my nose ran. My mom made me put them in. At first, I didn't want to because it seemed dumb and dorky, but now I'm happy I did. My mom knows pretty much everything. 

My name is Alex, and I was waiting for the bus to take me and the other neighborhood kids to school. I lived in Greenwood, Maine (idc if that's a place or not) and it snowed like hell here. So, all of the kids in the city owned at least two thick jackets. 

I waited another minute or so, but then noticed a girl standing all alone. She was shivering, and only wearing a sweatshirt and boots. Her dark hair was down, and flying in the wind. Her soft brown eyes were teary. I didn't know if it was from the cold or sadness. She was cute. 

I recognized her as Amani Goldworth (im good @ picking surnames hehe) the therapist's daughter. Her mother didn't have much money, so I realized that her mother probably couldn't afford a jacket for her. I couldn't help but feel bad.

I took off my hat, walked over to Amani, and held it out to her. She looked at me. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

" Here. Take it," I told her.

" Me?" she asked.

" Yes, you," I said, holding out the green hat. " Do you want it?"

She very hesitantly took it and placed it on her own head. And she hugged me. I hugged her back. When we let go, I took her hand and we got onto the bus together.

Some relationships are just meant to be.

I'm so sorry this was uploaded so late, first, my wifi went down for like three hours, then I had to confront a friend, and now he's flipping denying that he did anything to me. I'm sorry that I'm unloading on you all, I just don't have anyone to unload on ok

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