Comfort- Reza x Indah

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Prompt: Reza and Indah go to explore a haunted house. Reza is scared, but Indah keeps him calm :) 

Reza's POV

" Reza Ardashir Hosseini," announced Indah the next morning. " I have a wonderful idea." 

Hoo boy. This can't be good. 

" We should go exploring! In that weird old haunted house!" squealed Indah. Ghosts interest her to high heck, which I will never understand. 

" Um, I don't know," I said. " I don't like the dark, or spiders, or..." 

" We'll take flashlights and spider repellent." 

" There is no such thing as spider repellent," I pointed out. 

" Whatever!" she shrieked indigantly. 

So, we went. Walking down a dark alleyway to an abandoned house. I was shaking so much I thought I was going to drop the flashlight. Indah noticed. I could tell she felt bad for making me do this. I just wanted to go home. 

" It'll be so fun, I promise," she smiled. 

Indah's POV

Reza is scared. I can tell. 

I feel terrible, but I really want to do this. I love him, and I want him to be here. And when I want something, I typically get it. This is no exception. At least, I hope it's not. 

I step in, and the door creaks. Reza squeals with fright. 

" It's okay," I whisper to him. 

We keep walking around, my flashlight shining around the room. It's so dark, and it is kind of scary. I can't help but notice that Reza is shaking and scared. He whimpers lightly, softly, so much that an average person wouldn't hear it. 

Reza tries to be tough, but it's not in his nature. It's just not. 

Without thinking, I take his hand. He squeezes it tight, but doesn't let go. 

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