Summer in Winter- Ally x Jackson

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Requested by: P1k4chuF4n

Ally's POV

I walked into the restaurant, shivering from the cold. Why is winter so cold? Why can't it just be summer all year? Like, seriously. The world would be so much happier if we just had warm sunshine and no school for the rest of our lives. How epic would that be? I really need to talk to God about that the next time I go to church. 

I sit down at my table and wait for one of the waiters to come take my order. I have a serious craving for a hot cocoa with extra whip and a candy cane. I'm going to need all of the warmth I can get if I'm going to survive this winter. I rub my arms a bit to warm up. I have a thick red sweater, but it's not enough. 

Suddenly, one of the waiters comes by. He has the blondest hair I'd ever seen. His blue eyes were shiny, like the ocean. He was cuter than he should've been. He's like the epitome of summer. Just what I need right now! 

" Hi!" he smiled. " My name's Jackson, welcome to Coco Loco(lol)! How can I help you today?" 

I'm pretty sure he doesn't do this for every customer. 

Jackson's POV

I was walking around Coco Loco, serving people our nationwide famous hot cocoa. It's packed in the winter and competely empty in the summer. Just how I like it! I have a job as a lifeguard in the summer anyway. But one day, I'm going to be a meteorologist and quit both jobs. 

Suddenly, a girl catches my eye. She's sitting at Table Two. Her dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and her cheeks and nose are pink from the cold. She's wearing a burgundy sweater and black pants. She's super pretty. 

I walk over to her and use my best waiter voice. " Hi! My name is Jackson, and welcome to Coco Loco! How can I help you today?" 

She laughs. Her laughter sounds like rain. 

" Hi, Jackson. My name is Ally. May I please have a milk hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and a candy cane?" she asks. 

" Of course," I nod, quickly scribble down her order, and walk away. I want her drink to be made extra fast, so she can be impressed. 

Wait, why do I even want to impress her? 

Ally's POV

I try to process what just happened. A cute guy just went out of his way to give me the best service possible. Does me? 

No. That's ridiculous. I'm not even that pretty. My best friend, Charlotte, is wayyyyy prettier. Boys Anyway, I don't have time for boys right now. I have studies, friends, family, and winter. I don't need boys on my plate. 

After a few minutes, Jackson comes back with my hot cocoa, steaming and warm. Oh my gosh. I take a moment to inhale the amazing scent of candy cane, whipped cream, the hot, delicious cocoa. Oh my godddddd, I'm in Heaven right now. 

Jackson smiles at me. 

And I smile back.

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