Chapter Two: Instinct

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'Zephyr was sat inside the A.T.T.E against the wall as it shook from the outside. The droids had begun advancing on him while firing their blasters at the walker'

'Zephyr's heart was hammering like the beat of a war drumb in his chest. He was alone, he has no weapon and hardly any training in his use of the force'

'Zephyr's panicked state was quickly blown out of the metaphorical water as the walker shook violently'

'He quickly jumped to his feet as sparks rained down on top of him. Swiftly making his way to the walker's main control seat'

''Zephyr flicked the first three switches on the dashboard before putting on his oxygen mask, making his way to the door'

'The com link on his arm had been bursting with brief breaks of static as the venator in orbit tried to communicate with him'

'Taking a deep breath to steady himself Zephyr ripped open the door causing the air within the cab of the walker to rush out into the void of space'

'Zephyr quickly latched onto the side of the walker as it marched on, quickly climbing up its side'

'The droids turned their attention to Zephyr as they got sight on him, turning their blasters to him in stead of the walker'

'As Zephyr climbed the side of the walker a barrage of blaster bolts rained past him. Some would collide with the walker itself while others would sail directly past'

Cody: "What is he doing?!" 'Cody asked in exasperation as he watched the hologram infront of him'

Obi-wan: "From what I can tell. He is trying to deal with the problem" 'Obi-wan said with intrigue in his voice, a curious smirk crossing his face'

'Zephyr had quickly flipped himself over into the command seat of the walker's main cannon. Taking hold of the controls'

'Flipping a set of switches Zephyr then turned the main cannon towards the closest group of droids'

'Zephyr fired the cannon, causing the walker to rock momentarily from the recoil, dazing the unprepared cyborg'

'Upon contact the droids were vaporized, sending scraps of molten metal sailing through the air before plummeting to the ground'

'Zephyr was brought out of his daze by a droid jumping up and latching onto the side of the main cannon's cabin, causing the Walker to rock once more'

'Picking him up by the throat the droid spun its torso momentarily before throwing Zephyr off the walker and onto the dusty moon like surface'

'As he regained his faculties Zephyr rolled to the side just in time for the droid to land where he had been. It's knee having cracked the ground right where his head previously was'

'Before he could ready himself a blaster bolt hit Zephyr in the left side of his chest, burning both his uniform and the metal plating beneath it'

'As he tried to bring his arms up to defend himself two of the droids grabbed his arms, holding them in place'

'Zephyr was brought to his knee's by one of the droids slamming it's three fingered fist into his side'

'As the barrel to a blaster was raised to his head time seemed to slow down for Zephyr. A pulsing pain having begun to grow in his chest'

'Within the venator's coman center Cody was about to scramble the fighters to try and aid Zephyr. However he was stopped by the ship suddenly rocking violently'

'Obi-wan had begun to look around in confusion. The plating along the walls of the ship had started to rattle and quake. However it was clear the rocking of the ship wasn't caused by a malfunction on their part'

'Turning his attention to the hologram infront of him Obi-wan's eyes widened'

'The separatist base had begun to spark, cracks having started to form along the dirt around it'

'For Zephyr it was as if his entire body had been lit on fire, the plating along his arms, legs neck had snapped open with a vibrant red glow shining from underneath'

'As red energy sparked across his cybernetics a sudden shockwave exploded from around Zephyr, sending both the droids and the walker flying'

'The gravity generator he had been sent to disable buckled and sparks rained down from it's sides before suddenly falling to the ground, small explosions accompanying it'

'Obi-wan's breathing had become uneasy. Having sensed the sudden quake that rippled through the force. The ship had settled as had the asteroid below. The gravity had also returned to galactic standard'

'Despite this the instability within the force seemed to stabalize much slower. The Jedi general was only knocked out of his daze by Cody placing a hand on his shoulder'

Cody: "Sir? Are you allright?" 'Cody asked warily, earning a few shaken breaths from Obi-wan'

Obi-wan: "Yes I am quite allright. Though i doubt Zephyr is doing so well" 'The Jedi General said as he began walking towards the exit of the command bridge'

Cody: "What's the plan general?" 'Cody asked curiously, following Obi-wan as he placed his helmet on'

Obi-wan: "I want a sweep of what's left of the facility done as soon as possible. I want as much information on the device as possible" 'Obi-wan said strictly earning a nod of agreement from Cody'

Cody: "What about the kid?" 'Cody asked curiously, causing the Jedi infront of him to come to a stop'

Obi-wan: "I will handle Zephyr myself....I doubt he will be all too pleased given the circumstances" 'Obi-wan said with a sigh,  traces of regret laden in his voice'

*To Be Continued*

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