Chapter One: A "Forceful" Presence

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'Ahsoka had just woken up from a rather deep sleep. The night before she and Anakin had arrived back from a mission that was particularly chaotic'

'At the moment the young Togruta found herself eating in the dining hall as she tried to wake herself up'

'After a moment Ahsoka looked around the dining hall. It was strangely busy for the time of day, it seemed as though many of the Jedi had some time off'

'Traditionally Jedi didn't get "time off" however whenever they weren't out of the temple on a mission or job of some sort, they had quite a bit of free time. It would seem today was one of those times'

'She hadn't been exactly looking forward  too it. But she did have to check up on Zephyr and the progress he had made with his voice'

'Ahsoka had planned on finding him in the dinning hall. But he was one of the few faces that she couldn't see in the large dining area'

'After finishing her food Ahsoka made her way down the halls through the temple, stopping once she was infront of Zephyr's door'

'After a moment of hesitation Ahsoka knocked on the door softly, waiting patiently for an answer afterwards'

'Blinking in confusion Ahsoka raised her hand again moments later, knocking on Zephyr's door once again. Though this time much louder'

'A brief shuffling could be heard from within the room followed by a loud crash, as if something heavy hit the floor'

'Ahsoka felt a shiver run up her spine after having heard whatever it was that fell. For her it was much louder than it would be normally. Her montrals were to blame for that'

'After a moment Zephyr opened the door, causing Ahsoka to stifle a laugh after a moment of surprise'

'Zephyr was clearly half awake, his clothing was wrinkled, his hair was a mess and his eyes were a very dull yellow'

'Zephyr went to sign only for his left arm to sputter as it jammed. It was bent at an odd angle'

'Zephyr furrowed his brow before wrenching his left arm forward slightly, letting it snap back into it's usual position'

Ahsoka: "Sorry, I didn't think you'd still be asleep" 'Ahsoka stated with an apologetic chuckle, earning a tired shrug from Zephyr'

Zephyr: *What did you need?* 'Zephyr signed sluggishly as he shook his head softly, trying to wake himself up faster'

Ahsoka: "Got back in last night. I figured I should check on your recovery progress" 'Ahsoka stated, earning a roll of Zephyr's eyes'

Zephyr: *Not much has been made. I still cant speak outside of using clips of audio* 'Zephyr signed in explanation, earning a nod from Ahsoka'

Ahsoka: "Well I'll let you get dressed. I'll be down in the training arena if you need me" 'Ahsoka stated in an awkward manner, letting Zephyr walk back into his room'

'Upon the door closing Ahsoka let out a breath she hadn't realized that she had been holding'

'Nearly every time she was near Zephyr she felt her anxiety burn much brighter. Suffice to say his presence was overwhelming for the young Togruta'

'As Ahsoka rounded a corner she had already begun to get lost in her own train of thought. As much as she enjoyed her sparring sessions with her master. She had been hoping to get some time to herself for the day'

'Ahsoka eventually ended up walking through the doorway to the training wing of the temple, not truly having been paying attention to where she was going'

Anakin: "Hey snips! Ready to start the day?" 'Anakin asked curiously, snapping Ahsoka out of her thoughts'

Ahsoka: "Yeah. Let's get started" 'Ahsoka stated with a sigh as she shook her head softly, trying to clear her thoughts'

Anakin: "You Allright?" 'Anakin asked in both a curious and slightly concerned tone, having noticed his Padawan's mood'

Ahsoka: " thoughts are just foggy is all" 'Ahsoka stated in a reassuring tone, earning a nod from Anakin'

Anakin: "You just got done talking to Zephyr right?" 'Anakin asked in an understanding tone, earning a look of surprise'

Ahsoka: "How did you-" 

Anakin: "Trust me I get it. The kid's pretty disorienting, the force is incredibly strong with him" 'Anakin states as he and Ahsoka walked into the arena, sending a look of bewilderment across his padawan's face'

Ahsoka: "My brain just fogs up around him! It's like someone is trying to play a mind trick on me!" 'Ahsoka states in an exasperated tone, earning a chuckle from her master' 

Anakin: "When he get's a better control over his use of the force that wont happen" 'Anakin stated as he ignited his light saber, twirling it momentarily as Ahsoka stopped at the other end of the arena'

Ahsoka: "I hope so. It's gonna make it pretty hard to work with him if we get put on a mission together..." 'Ahsoka says in a clearly unamused tone'

*To be Continued*

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