Chapter Two: Good Enough

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'Anakin found himself standing outside of Zephyr's quarters with Obi-Wan. The two Jedi were about to enter but they sensed something rather strange'

'Both Zephyr and Ahsoka were exerting an incredible amount of force energy between the two of them. Enough to catch the attention of two the two Jedi outside the door anyway'

"You go in first" 'Obi-wan said bluntly, seeming to catch Anakin off guard'

"What, why me?" 'Anakin asked in mild alarm, clearly not wanting to be held responsible if something bad were to happen'

'With a sigh Obi-wan opened the door via the control pad, promptly stepping in afterward, being followed by Anakin'

'Anakin and Obi-wan shared a small chuckle as they walked into the room. Finding Zephyr and Ahsoka locked in a force based game of tug of war'

'The both of them still held their ground, having gone from pushing the stone towards each other to trying to pull it free of the other's grasp'

'Ahsoka had begun to hold her right arm up with her left arm, a tired but determined expression visible on her face'

'Zephyr had his right arm fully out stretched towards the stone, the plating along his hand and arm could be seen twitching and shuddering a green glow visible beneath the plating'

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" 'Obi-wan asked with a chuckle, crossing his arms'

"And I thought you were supposed to be watching over him. Not challenging him to a game of tug of war" 'Anakin said in equal amusement'

"He started it. I simply refuse to loose" 'Ahsoka said with a strained voice, her arm having started to shake'

'As Zephyr applied the fullest form of strength he could at the moment the plating along his arm stood up fully before the stone was ripped from Ashoka's grasp'

'Before the stone could even be within reach of his hand. Zephyr's shoulder sparked with green energy before a small green explosion erupted from it'

'The glow in his arm flickered momentarily before it fell limp, steam having started to billow out of his shoulder'

"That's unfortunate" 'Obi-wan said with a chuckle as Zephyr let out a growl of annoyance'

"Ha! Stamina out weighs strength!" 'Ahsoka said in victory as she force pulled the stone towards herself, letting out a small but weak laugh'

"Not entirely wrong" 'Anakin said in half agreement shrugging as he did so'

"What did you need?" 'Zephyr signed as he corrected his posture'

"The grandmaster sent us to check on the two of you. Apparently he wishes to speak to you both" 'Obi-wan explained, a mildly curious tone being audible in his voice'

"And if you're feeling well enough to play games through the force. You're well enough to get back out there" 'Anakin stated with a matter of fact tone, a mildly amused grin being visible on his face'

"Are you sure another mission is a good idea?" 'Ahsoka asked cautiously, earning an equally unsure expression from Zephyr'

"Actually as far as we know it's not a mission. The grandmaster wanted to speak to you." 'Obi-wan said in an honest tone, looking'

"Both. Of you" 'Anakin added, earning a nod of recollection from his old master'

"Both of us? What could the grandmaster need me for?" 'Ahsoka asked as she stood up, Zephyr doing the same, struggling to do so for a moment'

"I'm not sure. But that is for you two to find out" 'Anakin stated bluntly'

"You feel up to it?" 'Ahsoka asked curiously. Looking to Zephyr, who had lost his balance momentarily'

'Shaking off the wave of dizziness Zephyr gave the togruta a half hearted thumbs up'

"Reassuring" 'Ahsoka said with a chuckle, placing her hands on her hips'

*To Be Continued*

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