Chapter Two: Improving

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"C'mon lets see it!" 'Ahsoka said with excitement audible in her voice as she stood with Zephyr and Anakin in the training arena'

"I have to agree with Ahsoka here. Master Shaak-Ti talked it up" 'Anakin added with a amused tone in his voice'

"Of course she did...." 'Zephyr said with a heavy sigh as he unhooked his lightsaber from his waist'

'With a few green sparks his lightsaber ignited with a small but quiet *Thoom* as it did, casting a bright jade green glow in the immediate vicinity' 

"Huh, I can see why she did. It's quite impressive" 'Anakin admitted, earning an exasperated sigh from Zephyr'

"Why though! Everyone has failed to tell me why!" 'Zephyr said in frustration as he raised his arms. The lightsaber still ignited'

"I mean I haven't even seen a lightsaber with that shade of green, or shape. It's cool" 'Ahsoka stated with a matter of fact tone'

"Have you tested it yet?" 'Anakin asked curiously, catching Zephyr's attention'

"No I have not. That's what I thought this was about" 'Zephyr said bluntly, earning a smirk from the Jedi knight in front of him'

'In seconds Zephyr was blocking a strike from the Jedi knight, using his cybernetic strength to hold Anakin's saber back as they were locked into a struggle'

"Well i have to admit, i didn't think you'd block that so easily!" 'Anakin said with a slight grunt, using more of his strength'

'Zephyr simply brought his free hand up before thrusting it toward Anakin, the plating along his left hand opening wide'

'Anakin was flung backward a few feet before regaining his footing, having so skid to a stop'

"I'm not so defenseless now" 'Zephyr stated as he twirled his lightsaber'

'A part of him felt a familiarity with wielding a bladed weapon, as if he had done so before'

'Despite it's weightless nature, he swore he could feel the weight of a sword with each swing'

"Clearly" 'Anakin said with a Smirk'

'From behind Zephyr Ahsoka ignited both of her lightsabers, swinging at him wildly'

'Zephyr was instantly put on the back foot, having been caught off guard'

'As Anakin joined the fray Zephyr blocked Ahsoka's blades with his own'

'As Skywalker brought his lightsaber blade downward. Zephyr held his hand out to it'

'Using the force he held the Jedi knight's blade in place, the plating along his arm instantly standing open'

'His glow flickered as Zephyr struggled, a brief flash of red being visible'

'With a loud mechanical whirring the glow under Zephyr's cybernetics began to intensify'

'With a shockwave of force energy being fired out from him the ground cracked'

'Both Ahsoka and Anakin were sent through the air, being able to quickly regain their composure'

'The light above flickered as Zephyr fell to one knee, the tips of his fingers glowing a bright red and orange as steam billowed from them'

'The air around Zephyr's hands seemed to warble and shudder'

'He was emitting the same powerful connection to the force as he had on his first mission. Though this time it seems he was able to hold it back slightly'

'As he placed his lightsaber hilt on his belt, Zephyr's arms sputtered and stalled'

"Are you okay?" 'Ahsoka asked curiously as she approached Zephyr, who had clenched one eye shut'

"Y-Yeah...just tired now" 'Zephyr admitted, his eye flickering for a moment'

*To Be Continued*

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