Chapter One: Waking Up

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'Within the Jedi temple's medical wing the child that grandmaster Yoda had brought back had begun to stir'

'The clones in the room that were monitoring and watching over him hadn't noticed. But his right hand had started to twitch lightly'

'The child's left hand briefly sparks with electricity, catching one of the clones attention'

'The clone watches as the hand shudders momentarily. It's index finger twitching lightly as it did so'

'The clone elbows the clone next to him, catching his attention just in time for the boy's entire left arm to seize up, causing him to clench his fist'

"That doesn't look too good" 'The first clone said an a slightly alarmed tone'

'As the clones prepared for some sort of explosion or attack they were met with the boy breaking out into a coughing fit, his arm falling limp next to him'

'As the boy begins to wake up fully the clone closest to him softly places his hand on the child's shoulder'

"Take it easy kid. You're pretty banged up" 'The clone said as the boy's eyes opened, revealing his eyes, or rather lack there of'

'His eyes weren't made of organic matter anymore. Instead he had a pair of droid like eyes. Which emitted a glowing yellow dot'

'The boy tried to speak, only to emit a series of metallic and distorted coughs, causing him to bring his left hand up to his neck'

"Jeeze kid. What the hell did the separatists do to you?" 'The second clone asked in a sympathetic tone as he stopped next to his brother'

'The first clone preformed a scan of the boy's body, checking for internal damage. Surely enough his vocal cords were shot. They were completely ripped apart by what looked like the forced integration of a voice synthesizer'

"After a moment the infirmary doors open, letting Obi-Wan walk through the doors, standing just out of earshot and view of the room'

Obi-Wan: "How is he doing?" 'Obi-Wan asked curiously, facing the clone that had been stationed at the infirmary's doorway'

"He's just woken up. He's still dazed and his vocal chords are torn to shreds. The separatists replaced them with some sort of voice synthesizer" 'The clone informs, earning a nod from Kenobi'

Obi-Wan: "So he cant speak I take it?" 

"No sir. I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't know how to or he's just in that much pain. Either way the kid wont be telling us anything anytime soon" 'The clone explains as Obi-Wan walked around the corner'

'As Obi-Wan walked around the corner he found two of the clones cautiously standing next to the Child's bed. Watching him look at his hands'

'Obi-Wan had to stop for a moment upon seeing the child for himself. He couldn't be any older than Ahsoka was, in fact he looked younger, not by much though. The other thing that struck Obi-Wan by surprise was the presence the child had'

'He could see now that the Grandmaster wasn't exaggerating when he told the council about the child's link to the Force, it was almost palpable in the air. Despite how potent the connection was, it wasn't as active as Yoda had explained it was'

'The boy seemed mortified, not that Obi-Wan could blame him. It would be quite the experience to go through what he has'

Obi-Wan: "It's good to see that you're awake" 'Obi-Wan says catching the boy's attention, a wary expression crossing his face'

Obi-Wan: "You needn't worry little one. I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, You have been brought to the Jedi Temple" 'Obi-Wan explains, trying to settle the boy's nerves'

'The boy strains his voice momentarily as he tried to speak, only producing a low static like hum before he placed a hand back on his neck, a clearly uncomfortable expression crossing his face'

Obi-Wan: "It would be best if you didn't strain yourself. Quite honestly it is a miracle you are awake" 'Obi-Wan says with a slightly impressed tone'

'Obi-Wan wait's for a moment as the boy returns his attention himself, looking to his legs and feet. His feet looked as though they were a pair of built in shoes of some sort. His legs looked humanoid, despite the fact that the metal of his cybernetic replacements had a strange pearlescent coat to them'

Obi-Wan: "What is your name Child?' 'Obi-Wan asked curiously, trying to distract the boy, sensing his distress'

'The boy nodded hesitantly, clearly recognizing not only the Jedi but the clones around him. He didn't want to seem hostile and that was clear'

'The clone to his left held a holopad towards the boy, letting him take it. Albeit hesitantly. The boy hesitantly scribbled his name on the holopad, struggling to do so slightly as the screen was having a difficult time sensing his metallic fingers'

'After a few moments of somewhat agitated struggling the boy hands the holopad over to Obi-Wan, who curiously looked the device over. Briefly having to look over the writing a few times'

Obi-Wan: "Zephyr?" 'Obi-Wan asks, making sure he was reading the writing correctly'

'The boy lets out a nod, clearly displeased with his ability to write, or lack thereof' 

Obi-Wan: "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Zephyr. I know you are likely very tired, but I need to ask you a few questions. A simple yes or no will suffice" 'Obi-Wan said pulling a chair closer to himself, sitting down afterwards'

'Hesitantly Zephyr nodded in agreement as Obi-Wan cleared the holopad'

*To Be Continued*

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