Chapter One: It's A Start

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'Zephyr was sat on his bed within in his quarters. He had sat down cross legged with his hand extended towards the same trio of rocks Yoda had given him the day before'

'Zephyr had been working tirelessly to build up his skill within the force, or at the least a tolerance to the side effects he suffers from using it'

'Zephyr's eyes were focused on the three stones as his arm's plating slowly closed and re-opened'

'His arm was once again producing a green glow, the glow seemed to pulse along side Zephyr's breathing, with the odd flicker appearing within it'

'The stones had begun floating in the air, much more securely than the previous times the cyborg had attempted this exercise'

'As Zephyr let out a shaky breath, the plating on his hand and fingers began to open up, producing the same glow the rest of his arm had been'

'After stacking the second stone on top of the largest of the three Zephyr began to visibly strain himself as small trails of steam had started flowing off of his arm'

'Once again a dark red glow began to snuff out the bright green one within Zephyr's arm'

'Zephyr's yellow dot shaped eyes had begun to turn a scarlet red as well, causing him to take in a breath as he closed his eyes'

'As Zephyr began to steady his currently uneasy breathing the green glow that had nearly been snuffed out suddenly grew much brighter as he regained control of his nerves'

'With a great deal of focus Zephyr had managed to stack the third stone, causing him to hesitantly open his left eye'

'Uppon seeing he had indeed accomplished his currently one and only goal Zephyr let out a heavy'

'The small traces of steam that had begun to rise off of his arm slowly started to subside, letting the armor plating along his arm close'

'Zephyr attempted to move his wrist only for it to lock up mid turn, earning an annoyed grimace from him'

'Zephyr stops for a moment before wrenching his wrist to the right, causing his hand to begin spinning as if it were a drill'

'Zephyr quickly stops his hand, leaving the palm of his right hand to face opposite direction it naturally would'

'Zephyr's attention was brought to the door of his room by someone knocking on it, causing him to flip his hand to its normal resting position'

'Zephyr stood up and carefully opened the door, finding Obi-wan standing at the door, earning a slightly confused tilt of Zephyr's head'

Obi-wan: "Hello Zephyr. I was hoping to get the chance to speak with you" 'Obi-wan stated as he crossed his arms behind his back'

'Obi-wan's attention seemed to be caught by the stack of stones in Zephyr's room, a light chuckle escaping the older Jedi as he recognized the training exercise'

Obi-wan: "If you're not busy that is" 'Obi-wan stated as he raised an eyebrow'

'Zephyr simply shrugged in return. Not entirely knowing what he was supposed to do now that he had beaten his first test'

Obi-wan: "Perfect, follow me if you would" 'Obi-wan said as he turned, walking out of the doorway'

'Not really having anything else to do Zephyr followed Obi-wan, quickly falling into pace with the Jedi master'

Obi-wan: "You've been making quite a few waves in the temple. It seems most of the other Jedi have noticed the circumstances of your arrival" 'Obi-wan stated, earning a nod of agreement from Zephyr'

Obi-Wan: "You wouldn't have happened to have made any progress on recovering your voice have you?" 'Obi-wan asked curiously, causing Zephyr to shake his head, earning a nod from Obi-wan as he crossed his arms'

'Obi-wan stood in thought for a moment before an idea came to his mind'

Obi-wan: "I believe I know of a way to help you learn to communicate properly" 'Obi-wan stated with a light tone of interest in his voice, earning slightly more up beat expression from Zephyr'

'Obi-wan had begun to lead Zephyr through the Jedi temple, having found himself deep in thought has he walked into the large library of the temple. Obi-wan looked through a section within the massive library as Zephyr looked around in an awestruck state'

Obi-wan: "Here it is. I thought we still had this somewhere" 'Obi-wan stated as he pulled a holo book free from the shelf infront of him, curiously looking at the cover'

Obi-wan: "You can read basic correct?" 'Obi-wan asked curiously, earning a thumbs up from Zephyr, causing Obi-wan to hand the boy the book'

'Zephyr curiously looked at the book as he followed Obi-wan. From what he could tell it was some sort of symbol based language'

Obi-wan: "Sit. Lets see how far you can get" 'Obi-wan stated as he stopped at a table, sitting down on one of the chairs as Zephyr sat across from him'

'Zephyr curiously looked at the first page of the holo book, though he was having quite a bit of difficulty reading it. This was a trend that Zephyr had begun to notice'

'Obi-wan watched as Zephyr examined the page, a frustrated expression beginning to form on the young cyborg's face'

Obi-wan: "Are you having diffi-"

'Obi-wan was cut off by Zephyr letting out a frustrated growl as he looks at the holo book before he managed to sign to the Jedi master in an annoyed manner'

Zephyr: *I am fine* 'Zephyr said through a series of hand gestures before roughly placing his hands on the table in a frustrated state, shaking the table slightly due to the force of his arms hitting the table'

*To Be Continued*

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