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"How are you enjoying the food Zephyr?" The Dutchess asked curiously.

"I think I'm going to go into a food coma" Zephyr stated bluntly, trying his best to maintain his manners, a rather large plate of food infront of him.

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying it" The Dutchess said with a small smile.

She cleared her throat for a moment before placing her utensils down

"Now, I have been meaning to ask"

"You mentioned before that you dont know, really anything about your past"

"How did that come to be?" The Dutchess asked curiously, a soft tone in her voice.

Zephyr wiped his mouth as he placed down his own utensils. A look of hesitation visible on his face.

"W-Well...my memory only goes as far back as the Separatist base I was found in....those memories are fragmented at best and...horrid at worst" Zephyr explained, spinning his right wrist in a 360 absentmindedly.

"I apologize, it must have been quite unpleasant" The Dutchess apologized, a sympathetic expression crossing her face

"Yeah....I still feel it sometimes. Like phantom limb, but worse" Zephyr said with a half-hearted chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

The Dutchess sat silently for a moment before clearing her throat once more.

"Well. I said I would help you learn of your past right? How about tomorrow we do a blood test?" The Dutchess asked curiously, quickly changing the

"A blood test?" Zephyr asked in slight confusion.

"Yes, it would allow us to find out who your parents are" She explained earning a hum from Zephyr.

"The Order wouldn't be too happy about that..." Zephyr thought aloud, tapping his index finger against the table.

"They wouldn't have to know, if it is important to you, I would like to help" The Dutchess admitted, earning a hum from Zephyr.

He sat in thought, his Cybernetics clicking and whirring as he shifted his position in his chair.

"Not that im not grateful for your help your highness. But why do you want to help me?" Zephyr asked curiously.

The Dutchess fell silent, her expression turning slightly more somber.

"Truth be told, I always wanted to be a mother. I was....for a short time" The Dutchess explained, absentmindedly tapping her own index finger against the table.

"Im...sorry for your loss" Zephyr apologized, his glow flickering slightly.

The Dutchess cleared her throat, picking up her utensils once more.

"Alright! Let's finish up our meal then it would be best for us to rest. We have a rather eventful day tomorrow" The Dutchess said with a slightly forced upbeat tone.

*To Be Continued*

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