A Meeting

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'Ahsoka was sat up from where she had been laying down in the cave, listening to thunder and lightning crash outside'

'The darkside had suddenly gone mad, it felt like the force itself had manifested into it'

'Ahsoka stood up as the thunder crashed above her, shaking the cave'

'The various different crystals in the cave caught her attention as they began to glow. Each one began to light up a bright green'

'The storm outside became nearly impossible to hear, the sound of a soft hum having begun to drown it out'

'Ahsoka found her montrals blowing gently in a breeze, a bright green mist flowing from the crystals'

'The mist seemed to thicken as she staggered, feeling it wrap around her legs'

'The mist gathered around the camp fire as Ahsoka turned around her eyes widening as she did'

'The mist softly erupted before taking the form of a human woman, sending a flicker of recognition across Ahsoka's face'

"Hello Ahsoka" 'The woman said softly, her voice echoing throughout the cave'

"You're that woman that Zephyr was talking too" 'Ahsoka stated simply, earning a nod from the ethereal woman'

"That I am. I do apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I was trying to keep my presence hidden" 'The woman said apologetically'

"I understand why. He told me as much as he could about the whole situation" 'Ahsoka explained, earning a soft smile from the woman before her'

"He trusts you a great deal. He holds you in high regard" 'The woman said in a soft tone, as if she were stating a fact'

"Why are you here?" 'Ahsoka asked with a slight flustered cough, attempting to clear her throat'

'The woman sighs to herself as she floats closer to Ahsoka'

"It would seem Zephyr had gotten himself into some trouble"

"What else is new?" 'Ahsoka asked with a chuckle'

"Unfortunately this is not something we can take lightly" 'The woman said with a more serious tone of voice'

"He has been Compromised. One of his predecessors. A practitioner of the dark side has begun to influence him" 'The woman explained, her glow flickering momentarily'

"I thought he couldn't fall to the darkside?" 'Ahsoka questioned'

"He hasn't his thoughts are not his own"

"It is my belief that the predecessor that is manipulating him. Plans to use his body as a vessel" 'The woman explained in thought'

"Someone's trying to possess him?" 'Ahsoka asked in alarm, her eyes widening'

"I am afraid so, and if it is the one I believe it to be. He must not be allowed to fully take control of Zephyr's mind" 'The ghostly woman said as she floated around Ahsoka'

'Ahsoka paused and pondered, sighing to herself as she did'

"How can I help? I'm pretty good with a lightsaber. But I dont hold a candle to him when it comes to the force" 'Ahsoka admits'

"I will aid you in the process of saving him. I do however need something first"

"That would be?" 'Ahsoka asked expectantly, ready to get started'

'The woman cringed slightly as she lowered her head'

"Your body"

*To Be Continued*

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