Conflicting Feelings

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Ahsoka could be found in a meditation chamber within the outer reaches of the Jedi temple.

She was sat cross-legged with her eyes closed. Her hands clasped in a rather similar way to how Zephyr would meditate.

She had gone to check on him in the infirmary. But had been turned away by the clones on guard. Apparently having received orders to not let her in.

In her frustration she had turned to meditation, an activity she had come quite acquainted with since spending time with Zephyr.

She wouldn't admit it. But she found the act much less....effective on her own.

Her blood had practically been boiling. As a result she had been in the chamber for quite an extended time frame.

Her comm unit beeped loudly, causing her to furrow her brow.

With her eyes closed she muted the call, returning to her meditation.

A few moments later the same tone repeated on her comm unit. Causing her eyes to snap open.

She detached the wrist bound device before chucking it across the room, a huff escaping her.

She closed her eyes as she adjusted her posture. Sighing to herself in frustration.

The blaring on her comm unit returned a few moments later. Now at a near blaring level.

Ahsoka let out a growl as she crawled over to the device, letting the call through.

"What?! What is SO important?" Ahsoka asked in exasperation as it beeped softly.

"Firstly. You should probably not awnser communications so angrily

"Secondly. Zephyr is out of the infirmary" Anakin's voice came through the comm unit.

"What? Since when?" Ahsoka asked as she began strapping the device back on her wrist.

"Like half an hour ago?" Zephyr could be heard saying through the call, uncertainty in his voice.

Ahsoka gripped the bridge of her nose between her right index finger and thumb.

" going to send you both the infirmary" Ahsoka stated, standing up.

"Alright. But first we have to talk snips"

"Meet me in the library" Anakin said before hanging up.

Ahsoka took a breath, her markings breifly lighting up a bright turquoise before she exhaled. The glow fading.

In a huff Ahsoka stormed from the meditation room, absentmindedly twirling twirling her right lightsaber hilt in her hand.

Ahsoka let out an audible "agh!" As she was suddenly lifted in to the air by her lightsaber hilt.

She looked around frantically before a glare crossed her face. Being practically nose to nose with Zephyr.

"How's it hanging grumpy?" Zephyr asked, holding his hand up slightly.

"Give me my lightsaber back" Ahsoka stated bluntly.

Zephyr did as he was told, swiftly being met with a punch to the shoulder.

Ahsoka's fist let out a slight *crunch* as it made contact with Zephyr's cybernetics.

"What was that for?" Zephyr asked in mild confusion as Ahsoka drew her hand back, shaking it with a pained hiss.

"That was for you not letting me see you in the infirmary!!" Ahsoka said in anger, clenching her fist tightly in her other hand.

Zephyr tilted his head with a whirr and a click from his cybernetics.

"I was unconscious Ahsoka. I don't even remember getting to the infirmary" Zephyr explained, earning an equally confused expression from Ahsoka.

"Then who-"

Ahsoka cut herself off as she examined Zephyr's face.

"When did you..."

Ahsoka fell short of her sentence as she gently, held the right side of Zephyr's face.

"Uh....Soka?" Zephyr said in slight discomfort.

Ahsoka gently traced her left fingers over a patch of metal plating over Zephyr's neck.

It looked as if it had spread, covering a scar of sorts as it was indented.

Ahsoka felt Zephyr gently grasp her wrists. Pulling her hands away from his face and neck.

Ahsoka's cheeks flushed red as she noticed the green blush on Zephyr's face. An awkward smile being present on his features.

"Are you alright? You're a little handsy" Zephyr asked as he let go of Ahsoka's wrists.

Ahsoka paused, finding herself short of breath.

Her heart was pounding hard enough to make it difficult to breath.

"I'm alright. Sorry. Just worried, you did get stabbed through the chest" Ahsoka remarked with a chuckle, scratching the back of her neck.

"Something tells me that won't be the last time I'm wounded" Zephyr said with a chuckle of his own.

*To Be Continued*

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