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"This is where you will be staying" The Dutchess said as she opened a door, gesturing for Zephyr to step through.

Zephyr stepped through the doorway as the lights came on, his glowing eyes shrinking down to dots as they adjusted to the light.

It was a rather large and lavish room, in fact it looked fit for royalty.

Though it looked unfinished. It look as if the room had been redecorated.

"Well, I shall leave you to get settled
When you're ready come to the throne room, we will depart for our meeting" the duchess instructed, leaving Zephyr to get settled in.

He stood in the empty room, an odd sense of unsease creeping over him.

As he stepped further into the room it was as if a cold chill went up his spine. As if he weren't meant to be there.

Ignoring the creeping feeling along his spine he placed his minimal luggage on the bed.

It was odd. He had no recollection of being on mandalor as a baby. But he felt strangely at home in the city.

Shaking off his daze Zephyr absentmindedly reached for his lightsaber. Not finding it of course.

He sighed heavily. Recounting how he had to leave his lightsaber with Master Shaak-Ti.

Tightening his hand into a fist Zephyr opened the plating along his right arm, a bright green glow coming from underneath.

Through the force Zephyr lifted his luggage off the bed, testing how much he had recovered.

It was easy to lift something so light. But his stamina faded rather quick. Causing him to drop the luggage.

With an annoyed growl Zephyr gently kicked the luggage back toward the bed. Making for the door.

If it werent for the tour of the large mansion he would have gotten lost.

But thankfully, Zephyr was quick to find the throne room, his metallic footsteps catching the attention of the Dutchess.

"I take it you are ready" The Duchess asked curiously, standing up from her throne.

"You would be right! Didn't exactly bring a lot with me" Zephyr stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Well lets get going then. The representatives from the other neutral systems should be arriving any moment" She said as she pat down her gown.

"I shall do my best to keep you safe your highness" Zephyr reassured, falling in step with the Dutchess.

*To Be Continued*

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