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"So Ahsoka and Zephyr are going to climb the back wall. Obi-wan and I will draw the attention of the forces with a frontal assault." Anakin explained, using a stick to draw in the dirt.

"Sir, I don't mean to doubt you. But are you sure about-"

"Zephyr will be fine Rex, he's one of the most powerful force users out there" Anakin stated, cutting his captain off.

"And I'm sure Ahsoka will be watching him like a hawk." Obi-wan remarked with a chuckle.

"I certainly will. Can't trust this one with a butter knife, "  Ahsoka remarked, earning a heavy sigh from Zephyr.

"It was ONE time, and IT GOT STUCK IN A JOINT!" Zephyr growled at Ahsoka, pointing a finger at her.

"Reassuring," Rex remarked, chuckling for a moment. Being met with a glare from. Zephyr. His eyes changed to a deep orange.

"I'll handle the shield generator in the center of the facility. From there, the frontal assault could practically steam roll through the defenses" Zephyr remarked, using his own stick to draw in the dirt.

"That seems risky" Ahsoka remarked warningly.

"Asoka I can lift a walker with my mind" Zephyr said looking to Ahsoka.

"The force is not telekinesis" Ahsoka said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Eh, kinda is" Anakin said with a shrug, catching Zephyr's attention.

"See?" He said gesturing to Anakin, earning a glare from Ahsoka.

"Can we focus?" Obi-wan asked with a sigh.

"Right" Anakin said clearing his throat.

"Ahsoka wall, Zephyr shield generator, rest of us. Front gate"

"Don't get lost you two" Rex remarked with a teasing chuckle. Putting his helmet on.

"I have a built in radar, I think I'll be fine" Zephyr said as he stood up, Ahsoka standing with him.

"Don't pull the whole facility down this time" Ahsoka remarked with a slight tease in her voice as she walked ahead of Zephyr.

Ahsoka sprinted over to the large wall, waiting for Zephyr.

"Ladies first?" Zephyr asked curiously, earning a shake of Ahsoka's head.

"All you Z' " she said with a smirk.

Ahsoka let out an alarmed yelp as Zephyr picked her up by her sides.

Upon feeling his strangely warm metal hands against her skin A slight blush bloomed on her face.

Zephyr gently threw her upward, causing Ahsoka to scramble to catch herself at the top.

She sat for a moment catching her breath. Trying to collect herself.

"You good up there?" Zephyr called up after Ahsoka, who was still in a slight state of shock.

"Y-Yeah, it's clear come on over Ahsoka called back quietly, slinging her leg over the side.

As she jumped to the ground, Zephtr landed next to her, using the force to soften his landing.

"So, why are you so serious all of a sudden?" Ahsoka asked as she cleared her throat.

"What do you mean?" Zephyr asked as they crept through the base.

"I mean you being all cold and calculated!" Ahsoka stated, unhooking her lightsabers.

"I mean. You don't exactly like physicsl contact and you just threw me like a ragdoll!" Ahsoka explained leaning around the corner with Zephyr.

"I'm just trying to focus is all. Last mission I went on I nearly died" Zephyr explained as he and Ahsoka sprinted to the center of the camp.

The two stopoed next to the shield generator, Zephyr using his cybernetics to rip open a pannel on it's side.

"Well. At least give me a litte warning. I'm not exactly used to you being...handsy" Ahsoka continued, not really paying attention to the situation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Zephyr said in a quieter apologetic tone, ripping a wire, causing the generator to whirr before shutting down.

"N-No! I never said I was uncomfortable with it...Actually-"

"Ahsoka was quickly cut off by a stun bolt striking her, causing her to let out a brief cry of pain before collapsing.

Zephyr turned on his heel, igniting his lightsaber just in time to deflect two more stun bolts.

A third coming from his side struck him, causing him to stagger. His eyes flickering.

The but of a large laser rifle was slammed in to his forehead, rendering him unconsious as their assailant's approached.

"Well, arent we the lucky ones" A gravely voice said with a hiss.

"Not one Padawan, but two...this hunt should be fun"

*To Be Continued*

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