An Awkward Conversation

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"There you are. I was wondering when you would get here" Anakin said with a chuckle as Ahsoka sat down across from him.

"Sorry. Ran in to Zephyr on the way here" Ahsoka said with a sigh.

"You were worried about him huh?" Anakin asked with sympathy in his voice.

"I was. He's been through a lot lately" Ahsoka admitted, earning a nod from Anakin.

"The both of you have. You've gotten quite close" Anakin stated.

"I...suppose you could say that" Ahsoka said shifting uncomfortably.

Anakin sighed to himself, scratching his neck, seeming to be in equal discomfort.

"Look, you know I don't care for some of the teachings. But we still have to abide by them"

"Master..." Ahsoka said as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"Frankly it's none of my buisness. It shouldn't be the council's buisness either"

"Please stop" Ahsoka asked in an embarrassed tone, resting her forehead on the table.


"Whatever is going on between you and Zephyr-"

"NOTHING is going on between Zephyr and I!" Ahsoka said in a growl/yell, a slight turquoise blush on her face.

"I HAVE LITERALLY been in the guy's head!!"

"I STOPPED him from being possesed TWICE"

"Ya learn to trust someone after that!" Ahsoka said in her own defense, a slight smirk visible on her master's face.

As Ahsoka huffed and puffed her blush grew in brightness ever so slightly.

"What" Ahsoka asked coldly as Anakin crossed his arms.

"Look, I'm not here to judge you Snips. Just keep whatever IS going on. Quiet" Anakin said as his Padawan stood up fully.

"And remember to not let emotion cloud your judgment" Anakin stated, earning a quiet scoff from Ahsoka.

"Rich coming from you" Ahsoka muttered to herself as she began walking away, anxiously gripping her left arm with her right hand.

The Padawan swiftly made her way back to her personal quarters. Walking in to the small bathroom she had.

Her markings flickered a turquoise color for a moment, catching her attention in the mirror

She squinted slightly, leaning forward.

A soft but powerful *THOOM* rang out as the bathroom began glowing green.

Ahsoka let out an alarmed "AGH!" as the same ethereal green woman from Mortis formed behind her.

"Well that could have gone better now couldn't it?" She said with a slight chuckle as Ahsoka backed up in alarm.



"HOW?!" Ahsoka asked in disbelief, earning a warm smile from the woman.

"We have much to speak about my dear"

*To Be Continued*

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