A Revelation

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The Dutchess was sat in the waiting room of a nearby hospital, anxiously tapping her finger on the arm rest of her seat.

She had caught a lot of attention just by coming into the building, but her waiting as visibly pent up as she was. Was certainly not helping keep a low profile.

"Your highness?" A doctor called out, causing the Dutchess to near instantly stand up.

"This way please" the doctor motioned for the Dutchess to follow, an anxious expression of her own present on her face.

"Is he alright?" The Dutchess asked quickly. Having fallen in step with the Doctor.

"He is stable yes. The blaster went right through him, missed all the important bits. Barely"

"But there is one....development that I need to discuss with you" The doctor said as she opened the door to a single room.

Thr Dutchess stepped into the room, finding Zephyr laying unconscious upon a bed.

He was shirtless, revealing his Cybernetics, as well as the bandage attached to his wound, a small bacta pad having been wrapped around it.

"You swore us into secrecy nearly thirteen years ago, we have not told a single soul about our arrangement" The Doctor explained as she locked the door, clutching a data pad close to her chest.

The Dutchess frowned slightly at the notion, looking to the Doctor.

"Why are you bringing this up?" The Dutchess asked with a mild scowl.

In return the Doctor hesitated before handing her the Data pad, which the Dutchess cautiously looked over.

"That is his file in the Hopsital's data banks.....we didn't...add him to the galactic network....as per your instructions" The Doctir explained as the Dutchess continued to read.

She felt her heart drop and her legs give out, reading the Data pad infront of her.

"T-This is not possible...." The Dutchess said with disbelief audible in her voice.

"Im afraid it is ma'am. Blood doesn't lie" The Doctor stated, sighing softly.

"My little Zhiri...." The Dutchess said as she clutched the Data pad to her chest, her voice breaking.

Slowly she stood up, looking to Zephyr before slowly approaching him.

She gently held the side of his face in her free hand, tracing her thumb Over one of the metal plates on his face.

"What have they done to you?" She asked through grit teeth, a surge of emotions rushing through her.

She was torn. Mortified, relieved, overjoyed and vexed all at the same time.

After ten years. Her child had come home. And she knew who was responsible for him going missing.

The separatists

*To Be Continued*

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