Chapter One: Windu's assessment

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'Throughout the halls of the Jedi temple Anakin Skywalker was waiting outside one of the building's many elevators, waiting'

'He was waiting for master Windu to be exact, he had called Skywalker to tell him to wait by the elevator. Since he was still not a member of the council'

'Anakin had been waiting for quite some time and was visibly getting both bored and frustrated'

'Causing Anakin to jump slightly the elevator doors opened, letting Mace-Windu walk out with his arms crossed behind his back. His usual cold exterior as present as ever'

Anakin: "It's about time" 'Anakin said as he fell in toe with the older Jedi'

Mace-Windu: "It took longer than expected for the grandmaster to go over all the details. I apologize" 'Windu stated with a sigh as Anakin crossed his arms'

Anakin: "What exactly do you need my help for?" 'Anakin asked in a frustrated tone, earning a side glance from Windu'

Mace-windu: "I require your assistance in assessing the abilities of our quest" 'Windy said bluntly, earning a look of suspicion from Anakin'

Anakin: "Didn't the grandmaster already do that?"

Mace-windu: "Yes he did. However I wish to test his abilities myself, I want to determine if the grandmaster is right. Now summon your Padawan, we will need her aid" 'Windu stated, earning a disgruntled sigh from Anakin as he activated his com link'

Anakin: "Ashoka meet me at the sparring arena" 'Anakin stated before closing off the com link. Not giving his Padawan time to question him'

Mace-windu: "According to the grandmaster this child has great promise. Despite his use of the force" 'Windu explained as he caught Anakin's attention'

Anakin: "How so?"

Mace-windu: "From what I have learned. This child is a conduit for the force. Meaning he can access both sides of it simultaneously. However he currently wields more darkness than he does light" 'Windu explained as he and Anakin walked into the training section of the temple'

'Zephyr had already found his way to the training arena, the two clones who were still assigned to him had led him there. Not only to show him where it was but to make sure he was able to walk'

'Zephyr curiously look at his feet before lifting his left leg. Finding it was incredibly easy to balance on even just one'

"You haven't used your cybernetics until now have you?" 'The first clone asked curiously, earning a shake of Zephyr's head'

'The clone was cut off as they turned their attention to Anakin and Mace-Windu as they approached. A slightly surprised look having taken form on Anakin's face'

Mace-Windu: "You must be Zephyr then. I am Jedi master Mace-Windu. This is Anakin Skywalker" 'Windu introduced as he held his hand put to Zephyr, who hesitantly shook the Jedi's hand'

Mace-Windu: "I must say i am impressed with your resilience. Someone your age would normally be comatose after what you've been through" 'Windu praises. Trying to ease the boy's nerves as much as possible'

Anakin: "How old is he exactly?" 'Anakin asked, catching the attention of the clones'

"Thirteen sir" 'The second clone stated, causing Anakin to cross his arms'

Anakin: "Isn't he a little old to be taken in-"

Mace-windu: "That is what we are here to see Skywalker" 'Windu said bluntly, cutting Anakin off'

'Windu let out a sigh before returning his attention to Zephyr, causing him to tense up slightly'

Mace-windu: "We have a test for you. This test requires us to get a grasp of just how far along you are in your development with the Force" 'Windu explained, earning a slightly confused look from Zephyr'

Anakin: "Hey Snips. What took you so long?" 'Anakin asked Ahsoka as she stopped beside him. Earning an irritated glance from his Padawan'

Ahsoka: "Well i was a little busy with some younglings Master. I had to teach them the basics of deflecting" 'Ahsoka stated in a frustrated tone, earning a chuckle from Anakin'

'Ahsoka's attention was quickly diverted to Zephyr who was still currently listening to Windu as he explained the test'

'To say Ahsoka was confused would be an understatement. She could feel the force practically radiate off of this newcomer yet she could also see the cybernetic enhancements that had been done to him'

Mace-windu: "Ahsoka. This is Zephyr. He will be your sparring partner" 'Windu stated as he handed Ahsoka a wooden stick'

Ahsoka: "Are you sure this is a-"

Mace-windu: "There will be no debates about this Ahsoka. You will fight this boy as if your life depended on it" 'Windu stated earning a clearly alarmed expression from Zephyr'

Anakin: "Master Windu. If i may, this seems a little bit harsh. Even by my standards" 'Anakin states in an honest tone as Ahsoka begrudgingly walked into the Arena'

Mace-Windu: "This is the only way i can gauge his abilities properly. He needs to be pushed into defending himself" Windu stated coldly as he stood next to Anakin, waiting for the match to start'

'As a loud buzzer went off Ahsoka dashed towards Zephyr. Instantly putting him on the defensive'

'Ahsoka struck again and again with her stick, using it just as she would her lightsaber. However she was unable to land a hit on Zephyr'

'It wasn't due to to his innate skill however, she couldn't help but hold back against him. After all he hadn't had a day of training in his life'

'As Zephyr continued to manage dodging  Ahsoka's attacks the metal plating along his arms and legs had begun to open once again'

'As his body sparked with light arcs of electricity Zephyr found his speed and strength increasing causing Ahsoka to speed up her attacks'

'In a split second Zephyr managed to block one of Ahsoka's strikes, having moved his own staff like weapon into a defensive position'

'As Zephyr blocked yet another strike from Ahsoka his arms began to emit a bright green glow, sparks of a similar color having begun to arc from it'

'In one swift move Zephyr had gone on the offensive, his yellow dot like eyes having suddenly transformed into set of a green Irises'

'Ahsoka found herself being pushed back due to the sheer force of Zephyr's attacks'

'As Ahsoka brought her weapon of to block Zephyr's attack she felt shards of wood hit her face, causing her eyes to shoot open'

'Zephyr's arms were shaking as he looked at his now shattered weapon. He had it gripped hard enough to shatter the wooden stick'

'Before Zephyr can look back to Ahsoka he is met with a kick to the face. Sending him onto his back'

'As Ahsoka stood over Zephyr she had begun to notice just how exhausted he seemed to be'

'He was breathing heavily and his arms were releasing small trails of steam. The glow within them having ceased'

'Ahsoka herself was short of breath from the fight, having to go onto the defensive so abruptly was quite jarring for her'

'Outside of the arena Anakin and Windu stood in a state of surprise. Anakin simply seemed surprised that someone who hadn't trained a day in his life was able to contest against his Padawan. Even if it was briefly'

'Windu was surprised due to the sudden improvement Zephyr had experienced in skill. He could not only see the force activate within him through the green glow he emitted. But he had felt the Force around Zephyr suddenly intensify when that glow had first appeared'

'Windu was now sure of what the grandmaster had told the council, he was certain of Zephyr's status as a conduit'

*To Be Continued* 

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