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'Zephyr let out a yawn as he was sat on a republic transport'

"So. Why am I here?" 'Zephyr asked in a tired voice'

"You are being deployed on a safe guard mission" the older woman noted as she paced'

"And something tells me this mission is making you anxious" 'Zephyr said with a matter of fact tone'

'Shaak-Ti sighed to herself before turning to Zephyr'

"I am anxious. Because of what happened last week"

"You and Ahsoka went through something we know nothing about. Some entity possesed you"

"And I would prefer to not run the risk of it happening again" 'Shaak-Ti admitted bluntly'

"I'll be fine master, I've got it under control" 'Zephyr said confidently'

'Shaak-Ti thought for a moment before letting out a sigh'

"You will be placed in charge of guarding both the Dutchess of Mandalor as well as her home"

"There have been some....rumors of a terrorist group known as "Death Watch" causing some trouble" 'Shaak-Ti explained as the ship began to descend'

"'re sending a PADAWAN. WITHOUT a lightsaber to fight. TERRORISTS" 'Zephyr asked in mild frustration'

"You are not there to fight. Unless necessary. Even without your lightsaber im sure your abilities in the force shall suffice" 'Shaak-Ti explained, holding Zephyr's lightsaber in her hand'

'As the ship lurched to a halt Zephyr stood up, patting down his blackish grey combat robes'

'Shaak-Ti pressed the control panel on the interior of the ship, causing the boarding ramp to descend'

'Zephyr's eyes dilated into glowing dots as they adjusted to the light'

'As he began walking down the boarding ramp with the older Togruta his eyes began to widen'

'He was sorrounded by towering sky scrapers. Not unlike coruscant. But with a distinctly different architectural design'

"So this is Mandalor? This is my homeworld?" 'Zephyr asked in amazement'

"It is quite an interesting place" 'Shaak-Ti agreed with a chuckle'

'As the two continued on their path. Zephyr took notice of the individuals approaching them'

'One seemed to be an older man, he held an air of charisma around him, though it didn't really work on the young cyborg'

'Then there was the guard, blaster steadied on his hip'

'And finally there was the woman who Zephyr assumed was the Dutchess'

'As expected she wore a rather formal outfit. Despite this she seemed the least stuck up of the three of them'

'As he examined the group, he felt a sense of familiarity come over him'

"Greetings Dutchess" 'Shaak-Ti said with a slight bow'

"Greetings Master. Thank you for arriving so swiftly" 'The Dutchess said as she returned the gesture'

'Near instsntly upon hearing her voice. Zephyr's eyes flickered, a hint of recognition being visible in them'

"And who is this?" 'The dutchess asked curiously. A more friendly tone coming into her voice as she looked to Zephyr'

"This is Zephyr. He is going to be watching after you until the festival is over" 'Shaak-Ti explained as she gestured to the cyborg, snapping him out of his daze'

"It's a pleasure to meet you" 'Zephyr stated nervously, bowing his head in respect'

"The pleasure is all mine" 'The Dutchess said with a chuckle'

"You send a child to guard the Dutchess?" 'The older man asked in doubt'

"Wow. Thats almost exactly what I've been saying" 'Zephyr said in a slightly sarcastic tone, turning his head slowly to Shaak-Ti'

'Shaak-Ti sighed with a small smile on her face, placing a hand on Zephyr's head'

"He may be young. But Zephyr's connection to the force is second to none. He has been trained by the council personally.

"I have faith that he will do his best to keep you safe" 'Shaak-Ti explained, earning a smile from the Dutchess'

"As do I" 'The Dutchess said in agreement'

"He has already been disarmed. I shall take my leave. Try your best to behave" Shaak-Ti stated, gently placing a hand on Zephyr's shoulder as she walked past him'

"I always do" 'Zephyr said with a sigh, his nerves beginning to get the better of him'

'The Dutchess chuckled softly before looking to Zephyr'

"Walk with me wont you?" 'The dutchess asked softly, catching the Cyborg's attention'

*To be Continued*

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