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"Zephyr, you know a Jedi must not form attachments" 'Obi-wan stated, breaking the uneasy silence that had formed as they led the group across the strange planet'

"Thats how you start a conversation?" 'Zephyr asked in an annoyed tone'

"Besides it wasn't anything of that nature. I simply had to tell Ahsoka something important" 'Zephyr explained, catching Obi-wan's attention'

"Important? Is everything Alright?" 'Obi-wan asked curiously'

"I'm not telling you what it was" 'Zephyr stated simply'

"And why is that?"

"I dont know who I can trust right now" 'Zephyr said in a quiet tone, gripping his right wrist with his left hand'

'Obi-wan simply hummed in response, he felt the conflicting feelings in Zephyr'

'Especially on this planet it was easy to read him. The force was practically swarming him'

'He felt scared, uncertain. It confused the older Jedi. Zephyr felt as if he were holding a great deal of responsibility'

'As he continued to walk, Zephyr looked to his hands in a mixture of confusion and confliction'

'He felt incredibly powerful, like the force was using him as a host of sorts'

'Even just the slightest use if his abilites sent ripples through the force on this planet'

'It was a strange sensation, but he felt attached to the planet in a way. It caused a looming feeling that felt as if he were being watched'

'As he came to a stop, Zephyr's attention was brought to a presence'

'Before he could react, a large bat like creature swooped down and picked him up by the arm'

"That's....not good" 'Anakin said with a sigh'

"Duh!" 'Ahsoka said as she began sprinting off, trying to follow the beast, her master following shortly after'

'Zephyr hung by his arm, an alarmed expression having taken hold of his face'

'Twisting his arm Zephyr worked on pure instinct, placing his metal feet against the belly of the beast, twisting his shoulder at an unnatural angle'

'Opening the plating along his arms, Zephyr unleashed a pulse of force energy, sending green bolts of energy sparking across the beast'

'The beast shrieked as it lost control of its body'

'It released Zephyr as they both began tp plummet to the ground'

'Zephyr grit his teeth as he hit the ground with a loud crash, skipping across the ground as he did so'

'As he rolled to a stop, laying face first on the ground he let out a weakened and tired groan'

'His arms sparked as he began to push himself up, his eyes flickering'

"B-Bad idea....stupid idea" 'Zephyr said as he stood up, reaching for his lightsaber'

'As he turned to face the beast, he was met with it transforming'

'It turned into a humanoid figure with grey skin and glowing red dots for eyes'

'The stranger seemed to be dazed as well, as if he werent expecting resistance'

'Zephyr ignited his lightsaber with a deep *THOOM* like sound, it's deep hum being the only break in the silence'

"There is no need for that" 'A calm old voice said simply, causing Zephyr to spin on his heels'

'Zephyr spun his lightsaber in preparation, being met face to face with a tall humanoid man'

'The man seemed to examine him, a hint curiosity being visible on his face'

"Interesting. It has been quite some time since a Conduit has come here, let alone one of your....stature" 'The old man said curiously, causing Zephyr to narrow his eyes'

"Rude" 'Zephyr said simply, not lowering his lightsaber'

'The old man simply grasped the blade. Pushing it back into the hilt'

'Zephyr looked to his lightsaber hilt in confusion, hitting it lightly'

"Okay...so what do you want?" 'Zephyr asked with more hesitation than he had before'

"In due time my boy, first I must attend to your friends" 'The man said calmly, causing Zephyr's glow to flicker to red'

"You're not going to-"

"If they pass the test I have layed out for them. No harm will come to them" 'The man stated in, again a calm tone'

'Zephyr's glow seemed to calm slightly, still gripping his saber hilt tightly'

"Until then, you will remain here. Until my daughter comes to fetch you" 'The man said before slowly vanishing'

'The man that had abducted Zephyr once again transformed into a large bat like creature'

'It let out a roar as it flew away, leaving Zephyr standing alone in the small valley he had crash landed in'

'Zephyr simply sat on the ground, tossing his lightsaber in the air before catching it'

*To Be Continued*

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