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"Are you sure this is a good idea after last night?" Zephyr asked in hesitation, carefully watching his sorroundings.

"We will be fine Zephyr. It is broad daylight. They would have to be fools to attack now. Especially with my guard escorting us" The Dutchess reassured as she led Zephyr down the road.

His Cybernetic plating fluttered and shifted anxiously as he looked around, a sense of unease coming over him.

The Dutchess looked to one of the many sky scrapers infront of her, noticing a small glint atop one of them.

Moments later Zephyr was sent staggering as a loud *PLING* rang out, a blaster bolt havinh
G ricochet off of his shoulder.

"Get Down!" Zephyr said loudly, using the force to pull the Dutchess down to her knee's, her guards sorrounding her.

Zephyr looked to where the blast had come from, a tinge of anger burning through him.

With what strength he had left in the force he reached out, ultimately finding his target.

The Deathwatch soldier was practically thrown from their perch on the building, being pulled toward Zephyr.

The teen didnt even flinch as the Soldier, neck made contact with his right hand, despite the ground around him cracking.

He quickly spun around and slammed the Deathwatch soldier into the ground, earning a loud cough from them.

Just as his glow flickered to red. A piercing pain shot through Zephyr's abdomen.

A blaster bolt was sent straight through his back and into the Soldier infront of him. Killing them instantly.

Zephyr collapsed onto one knee before falling over, his glow sputtering as his cybernetics jolted and stuttered.

His senses were quickly fading, his eyesight was glitching and his hearing was out. He could just barely make out his sorroundings.

He saw the Dutchess rush to his aid, a couple of her guards joining her as they fired at the assailant.

Then everything went dark

*To Be Continued*

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