Chapter One: Trust In The Force

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'Through warp space Grandmaster Yoda was standing within a republic transport ship, leaving the clones he had assigned to the particular mission to pilot the ship, due to Yoda having to focus on meditation to navigate towards his target destination.

"What exactly is the general doing?" 'One of the clones asked in confusion as he stopped next to the clone who was currently piloting the ship'

"He's trying to find where our target location is. Apparently it's not on our star charts" 'The pilot explained as he leaned back in his chair, taking the opportunity to relax'

'Yoda opened his eyes just in time for the ship to rumble, falling out of hyperspace mere seconds afterwards'

"What the hell's going on?" 'The pilot asks quietly as he looks out through the main windows, watching the nearby asteroids float by as the ship drifted.'

"The hyperdrive seems to be fine, but I cant find the cause of the malfunction" 'one of the clones said as he looked over a set of screens'

Yoda: "Malfunction it was not. Arrived we have" 'Yoda states as he stood up, using his cane as he did so'

"If you dont mind me asking general. Where, is here?" 'The pilot asked in a clearly unsure tone, gesturing to the asteroid belt'

'Where Yoda would usually answer with his usual positivity or wisdom. He stood in silence as a large asteroid came into view. the asteroid was massive compared to the others within the belt. It could be classified as an extinction event if it were to hit a planet.'

'The asteroid had a large structure built into it, however it's defenses seemed to be lowered at the moment'

Yoda: "Built a laboratory of some sort, the separatists have it would seem. Enter without detection we must" 'Yoda states, catching the attention of each clone within the shuttle' 

"It looks like the place's defenses are offline. The idiots must think they're pretty safe in there" 'A clone says with a gruff voice. Likely from a prior wound of some sort'

Yoda: "Left alone they have been. Left their guard lowered they have" 'Yoda says with an amused chuckle'

"And they're about to pay the price for it" 'The gruff voiced clone says as he readies his blaster rifle'

Yoda: "Go around back we must, Find an entrance there we will" 'Yoda says earning a nod from the Pilot as he starts to turn the ship'

'After searching for a few moments the pilot lands the ship directly behind the left most wing of the facility'

'Conveniently one of the back entrances was unlocked, letting the clones as well as the grandmaster easily slip in undetected'

"God these clankers get more and more stupid" 'One of the clones says as he checked his rifle, it was smaller in size. Likely a close quarters weapon'

Yoda: "Unreliable battle droids can be. Prone to mistakes they are" 'Yoda said in amused but quiet tone'

"So general. Any clue as to why we are here?" 'The gruff voiced clone asked curiously, earning a hum from the grandmaster'

'Yoda stopped for a moment as he closed his eyes, focusing all of his effort on sensing the force that was flowing throughout the facility'

'After a moment Yoda's brow furrowed before he staggered a few steps, catching the attention of the clones that had followed him'

"Are you alright general?" 'A clone asked in a slightly concerned tone, causing Yoda to raise his hand, silencing the clone'

Yoda: "Close to our destination we are. Strangely the force is acting. Clouded and distorted it is...." 'Yoda explains as he regains his composure, earning an unsure glance among the clones'

The Conduit's Journey Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora