Chapter One: The Council

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'On the planet of Courasaunt Yoda had just arrived back to the Jedi temple, having had his ship land as close to the medical wing as possible'

'As a set of clones looked over the ship from the outside the ship's docking ramp practically slammed open, letting the clones within rush out'

'The clones that had been checking the ship found quite a few scorch marks along it's hull. Un aware of the grandmaster and his troops rushing to the medical wing. Two of the clones were carrying a gurney. Not like they would have recognized who was on it anyway'

"Sir, where are you going?" 'One of the clones asked in confusion, having noticed Yoda taking his leave'

Yoda: "Inform the council I must. An alarming discovery this is" 'Yoda stated in a serious tone, stopping briefly as he explained himself'

'As Yoda made his way to the council's meeting room he couldnt help but notice the tension in the force that had followed him back to the temple, it wasn't clouded or dark anymore, in fact the dark side had all but left the child alone by now'

'But he could still sense an unease in the force, leaving the air to feel heavy, worryingly so'

'After a short walk Yoda found himself walking out of an elevator into the council's meeting room'

'Upon entering the holograms of each of the council members turn to face the grandmaster, Obi-wan being the only person there in the flesh'

Obi-wan: "Welcome back grandmaster. I trust your mission was a success?" 'Obi-wan asked curiously, earning a hum from Yoda'

Yoda: "A success it was. News i bring with me" 'Yoda says with a thoughtful tone'

Mace-Windu: "Why do i sense this "news"   wont be the good variety" 'Mace-Windu asked with a sigh'

Yoda: "Good news nor bad news it is. Unsure myself i am" 'Yoda says as he takes his usual seat'

Shaak-Ti: "Do continue grandmaster" 'Shaak-Ti said as she turned her attention to the old Jedi. Earning a thoughtful hum from him'

Yoda: "Stooped lower the separatist alliance has. Experimentation on the innocent they have begun" 'Yoda said after a moment'

Plo-Koon: "If what you are saying is true. Then the separatists have become desperate" 'Plo-Koon said in a disgusted tone'

Obi-Wan: "Further more. If this is ndeed true. That would explain the disappearances that have been occuring throughout the separatist territory" 'Obi-wan says in a thoughtful tone, a sudden realization coming over him as he looks to Yoda'

Yoda: "Led me to a laboratory the force has. Rescued one of their victims we did" 'Yoda explains, earning a nod from Obi-wan'

Obi-wan: "I figured as much. The force has been acting strangely"

Yoda: "Severely wounded he has been. A toll the experiments have had on his body" 'Yoda explains bluntly as he places a holo projector infront if him'

'Once the projector came to life it projected a live image of the child Yoda and the clones that were with him rescued'

'He was placed in a medical bed of some sort. Small Bacta medical packs having been strapped to the most serious of his wounds'

Mace-Windu: "You brought him to the temple?" 'Mace-Windu asked in an aggitated tone, trying to maintain a somewhat respectful state'

Yoda: "A conduit for the Force he is. A battle of dark and light he is experiencing" 'Yoda explains, earning a look of confusion from the other council members'

Shaak-Ti: "What do yoh mean by he is a "Conduit"

Yoda: "Strong with the force he is. Light and dark are at odds within him. Winning the dark side is" 'Yoda states, earning a curious look from Obi-wan'

Obi-wan: "His body is almost entirely cybernetic by now. How could the force he have such a powerful connection with the force?" 'Obi-wan asked, earning a hum from the grandmaster'

Yoda: "Unsure i am. Been turned into a conduit i believe he has. Not natural his connection to the force is" 'Yoda says in thought'

Kia-Adi-Mundi: "What do you suggest we do with him then?" 'Ki-Adi-Mundi asked curiously, light hesitation in his voice'

Yoda: "Watch over him we will. Guide him  from the path of the dark side we must"

*To be Continued*

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