Chapter Two: A "Small" Problem

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'The L.A.A.T had landed in the large Venator class star destroyer nearly an hour ago, Obi-wan had been leading Zephyr around the ship, trying to familiarize the young padawan with it's layout'

Obi-wan: "And this will be your resting quarters. I must head to the bridge, try not yo get into too much trouble" 'Obi-wan explains as he came to a stop next to a door before leaving Zephyr to his devices'

'Instead of wandering the halls or trying to find something to do Zephyr opted to go into his room, sensing that the jump through hyper space wouldn't be all too long'

'With a sigh Zephyr stopped as he stood in the center of his small resting quarters. It wasn't anything special, it certainly wasn't as cozy as his room within the temple

'After a few moments Zephyr fell backwards onto his bed, causing it to creak loudly from how much he weighed'

'As anxious as he was Zephyr was exhausted, A day of shot nerves and anxiety tended to be quite draining, even for a Jedi'

'After a few moments Zephyr found himself slowly falling asleep. His arms and legs had stopped responding to his attempts at movement'

'As his eyes grew heavier and heavier Zephyr felt the ship rumble as it jumped into hyper space'

'Before falling asleep Zephyr's eyes flickered, fading into darkness as his eyelids closed, leaving him sprawled out on the a relatively small bed'

'On the bridge of the ship Obi-wan was standing infront of a holographic display table of some sort, intently examining the picture infront of him'

Cody: "This is the asteroid sir, We've been detecting separatist broadcasts from it" 'Cody explains as Obi-wan crosses his arms'

Obi-wan: "It looks more like a moon than an asteroid" 'Obi-wan states, earning a nod from his second in command'

'The two stood in silence momentarily, a somewhat awkward tension having filled the air around them'

Cody: "So about the kid-"

Obi-wan: "He's joining us on the mission Cody" 'Obi-wan stated bluntly, cutting Cody off'

Cody: "Not that I dont trust your judgment sir. But the kid doesn't even have a lightsaber yet" 'Cody explains, light concern evident in his voice'

Obi-wan: "Trust me Cody. When push comes to shove I believe he wont need one" 'Obi-wan explains with a chuckle as he looks at the hologram infront of him'

Cody: "What's so special about this one? There has to be something important enough about him for you to take on another padawan" 'Cody asked curiously, snapping Obi-wan out of his thoughts'

Obi-wan: "Firstly he is not MY padawan, he does not have a permanent master as of yet. As for why I have taken an interest in him, he has the strongest connection to the force I have ever seen in a life form. It can be quite frightening at times honestly" 'Obi-wan explained in an honest tone, chuckling lightly as he did so'

Cody: "That's not unsettling at all...." 'Cody remarked in a disingenuous tone, shaking his head lightly as he did so'

'Obi-wan simply shook his head as an amused grin crossed his face momentarily before being rocked as the over head lights turned red'

"Sir! Something is pulling us out of hyper space!" 'One of the clones shouted from his position, earning a sigh from Obi-wan'

Cody: "I have a bad feeling about this....."

*To Be Continued*

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