Swimming Through The Darkness

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'Ahsoka's montrals blew back in the wind, turquoise colored lightning crashing down behind her'

'The Revenant clashed blades with the Togruta, sending out another gust of wind'

'As the two clashed Red and turquoise colored lightning crashed around them, the storm overhead only growing more intense'

'Ahsoka felt as if she were in some sort of nightmare. Her body was vibrating and twitching. Her heart was racing, her breath was shaking'

'Her body was entirely unprepared for the sudden influx of force energy she was experiencing'

'On the other hand The revenant that had possessed Zephyr seemed unfazed. The cyborg's body being far more adapted to the sheer amount of force energy it could emit'

'Nonetheless Ahsoka grit her teeth. Planted her feet and pushed her blades back against her opponent'

'Breaking his guard. Ahsoka violently kicked the revenant in the chest, using the force to strengthen her muscle'

'The kick sent the revenant tumbling for a moment before rolling to his feet'

'Once he had regained his footing the revenant near instantly fired a volley of blood red lightning from his hand towards Ahsoka'

'Ahsoka brought her lightsabers up and blocked the attack in an X-shape formation. Doing her best to stop the attack'

'Much to her surprise the blades of her weapons seemed to absorb the lightning. Only now having noticed the change in them'

'The blades to each of her lightsabers had begun to glow the same turquoise color she had'

'She still felt the static electricity from the attack. It made her fingers go numb just from the proximity'

'Her master and Obi-wan had long been cast out by the storm. Leaving them both outside of the billowing whirlwind like barrier'

'It had formed just as their battle had gotten heated. Their clash having sent enough ripples out through the force to accidentally intensify the storm that had already formed'

'Ahsoka twirled her lightsabers as she lunged forward, clashing her left blade against the revenant's shadow like sword'

'Swing after swing the two traded blows. One nor the other being able to land a proper strike'

'With an annoyed glare the revenant sent Ahsoka crashing into the nearby cliff face with a kick to her chest'

'Ahsoka's glow flickered upon impact, the stone behind her cracking as she fell to the ground'

'She coughed and sputtered as she forced herself to her feet'

'Much to the Togrutan's dismay. The kick had been rough enough to make her cough up small traces of blood'

'She had never been hit as hard as this. Even her fight against General Greivous the month before she met Zephyr wasn't this one sided'

"This isn't going to work..." 'Ahsoka said with a pained cough her voice sounding hoarse and weak'

"I was hoping your body would last longer..." 'The woman said to Ahsoka, her ethereal voice echoing in the Togrutan's head'

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