Chapter Two- A Problem

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'Obi-wan found himself standing outside of Zephyr's chambers in the Jedi temple, Anakin having joined him'

'Anakin had gone in to check on the young cyborg. Only to find he was still unconsious'

"What happened? The kid's pretty much dead to the world!" 'Anakin asked in mild alarm as he stepped out of Zephyr's resting quarters. Letting the door slide shut behind him'

"Im not quite sure exactly what it was. But it was unlike anything I have ever seen" 'Obi-wan admitted as he crossed his arms, leaning against the wall'

"Okay so what DID happen then?" 'Anakin asked with a slight confusion in his voice, earning a hum from his old master'

"While I dont know the details. What I do know is that boy produced an attack that was strong enough in the force to collapse an entire separatist facility" 'Obi-wan informed in thought. Earning a doubtful expression from Anakin'

"Yeah and I sell speeders" 'Anakin remarked sarcastically, earning a sigh from Obi-wan'

"I'm being serious Anakin. He is far stronger in the force than we first thought. I believe I'm starting to understand why the grandmaster wanted to bring him into the order" 'Obi-wan said as he began to scratch his chin'

"And why's that exactly?" 'Anakin asked with a slightly surprised tone in his voice. Recognizing the serious nature that had come over his friend'

"If he had been left to his own devices he could cause serious damage. Even now under the order's tutelage if he was pushed too far. He could be a threat" 'Obi-wan said as he stood up, caution creeping into his voice'

"Not untrue your statment is. Master Kenobi" 'Yoda could be heard saying, causing both Obi-wan and Anakin to turn to the grandmaster'

"What's brought you down here grandmaster?" 'Anakin asked with a curious smirk, earning a hum from the old Jedi'

"Come to assess the Padawan's health I have" 'Yoda said simply as he walked towards the door. Using the force to open it'

'Before either Jedi could question the grandmaster further the door closed behind him. Sealing him in the room'

'Looking to Zephyr Yoda calmly walked over to the unconsious Cyborg, hopping up onto the small cot like bed'

'The grandmaster placed his cane down before crossing his legs. Hovering his hands above Zephyr's torso'

'As the older Jedi focused through the force he narrowed his eyes. Seeming to realize something'

'Closing his eyes Yoda let out a deep breath, doing his best to focus. As the grandmaster furrowed his brow his hands begun to shake'

'The grandmaster could feel the living force that was channeling through Zephyr. He could feel it wriggle and writhe'

'Just the older Jedi's presence seemed to agitate it. It was being unnaturally agressive'

'With a huff the grandmaster opened his eyes and dropped his arms to his sides. Standing up after a moment'

'After a few moments the grandmaster made his way out of the room, catching both Anakin and Obi-wan's attention once more. Finding Ahsoka had joined the duo'

"So? What's the damage?" 'Anakin asked curiously as the grandmaster hobbled past him'

"Unable to reach him I was. Twisted and angered the force has become around him" 'Yoda informed as he stopped, turning to face the trio'

"Is he okay? Has he woken up at all?" 'Ahsoka asked in confusion, earning a hum from the grandmaster'

"Woken up yet he has not. Interfere with him you must not" 'Yoda said sternly, earning a confused expression from the young togruta'

"You asked me to-"

"No. Enter that room you must not. Dangerous for you both it could be" 'Yoda said bluntly. Cutting Ahsoka off, earning a sigh of defeat from her'

"What will you do exactly?" 'Obi-wan asked cautiously as Yoda began to walk away once more'

"Speak to the rest of the council I will. Decide on the best course of action after I shall" 'Yoda said without turning to face Obi-wan. Continuing on his path'

'As the grandmaster rounded the corner Ahsoka crossed her arms, a light look of frustration having crossed her face'

'Obi-wan and Anakin shared a look before looking to Ahsoka, causing the Padawan to shrink under their gaze momentarily'

"What?" 'Ahsoka asked cautiously, not turning to fully face either master'

"Getting secret missions from the grandmaster? Someone's been busy" 'Obi-wan said with a chuckle'

"What! And you arent letting us in on the details? I thought I taught you better snips" 'Anakin said sarcastically, causing Ahsoka to let out a huff'

"You taught me the rule of "Do as I say. Not as I do" master" 'Ahsoka said with a light tone of sass in her voice as she walked away, earning a chuckle from Anakin'

*To Be Continued*

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