The "Chancellor"

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Zephyr found himself walking through the halls of the senate building on Coruscant. Anxiety having begun to bubble within him.

He had been summoned by the Chancellor of the republic, not only had he never met the man. But he was incredibly lost.

He had been wandering the halls of the winding building for nearly twenty minutes.

"Zephyr?" A familar voice called out, causing the Cyborg to snap out of his daze.

"Padme?" Zephyr said as he turned around, facing the senator.

"What are you doing here?" The older woman asked curiously, earning an exasperated sigh from Zephyr


"I was summoned by the Chancellor and i am VERY lost, that was nearly half an hour ago now" Zephyr explained in a slight tone of embarrassment, earning a chuckle from the Senator.

"Follow me, you aren't far" Padme said as she gestured for the teen to follow her.

"You're a life saver" Zephyr praised, breifly jogging to catch up to her.

"You can find your way around the capital of Mandalor but not the Senate building?" Padme teased lightly, earning a slight glare from Zephyr.

"Hey I had help from my mother and her guard, that makes things...."


Zephyr stood in place with Padme as he processed what he had just said, sighing to himself.

"Damn it!" Zephyr said in frustration as Padme shook her head.

"The Dutchess of Mandalor is your MOTHER?" Padme asked in a whisper yelll, a smile having crossed her face.

"Look I just found out okay? No one else knows" Zephyr said in a slight frantic tone, causing Padme to cross her arms, a small smirk crossing her eyes.

"What?" Zephyr questioned, squinting at the older woman.

"Ahsoka knows doesn't she?" Padme asked simply, causing Zephyr to tense for a moment

A dull green glow formed on Zephyr's cheeks as he grit his teeth, growling slightly as he did.

"Yeah...." Zephyr said in an embarrassed tone, earning a chuckle from Padme.

"Of course she does" Padme noted as she called down the Elevator in front of them.

"Well this is you, see you around Zephyr" Padme said as she began to walk away.

Zephyr grumbled to himself as he stepped into the elevator, his cheeks still holding a dull glow.

The Elevator rumbled and groaned as it began to ascend, causing Zephyr to look up.

He then looked to his feet, did his cybernetics weigh that much?

Shortly after the Elevator came to a sudden halt, the doors opening.

Hesitantly Zephyr stepped into the Office, causing the Chancellor to look up, a pleasant smile crossing his face.

"Ah, so you must be Zephyr"

"It's an honor sir" Zephyr said as he shook the Chancellor's hand. Being led to the large desk.

"Oh the honor is mine child, you have made quite some waves through the republic" The Chancellor said cheerfully, gesturing for Zephyr to sit.

As Zephyr sat down the Chancellor placed a hand on his shoulder.

For Zephyr it was as if an overwhelming sense of cold flooded his left arm, causing his glow to flare up for a moment, watching the older man sit across from him.

Zephyr's eyes narrowed into green glowing dots, a slight uncertain expression crossing his face.

"What did you need sir?" Zephyr asked hesitantly, doing his best to put on a friendly face.

"Well, I wanted to discuss your standing in the Jedi Order"

"You have proven to have an immense control of your abilities in the force, And i believe you would be put to better use if you were in charge of your own clone force" The Chancellor said simply, earning a shake of Zephyr's head.

"I'm sorry you want ME in charge of a clone battalion?" Zephyr asked with a mildly unsure laugh, earning a shake of the Chancellor's head in turn.

"Oh heavens no, i have faith in your abilities. But im no fool" The Chancellor said with a small chuckle, earning a sigh of relief from Zephyr.

"Well, i thank you for the offer" Zephyr said with a half hearted chuckle.

"I will continue to watch your career with great interest Zephyr. I hope to continue hearing good things about you"

*To Be Continued*

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