A Connection

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"Okay, you try this time" Zephyr said as he sat in front of Ashoka in her resting chamber.

They sat with linked hands, both preapring for some form of meditation.

Ahsoka took a deep breath as she closed her eyes.

As she focused on her breathing, she felt something within her.

A well of power had begun to bubble to the surface.

It felt near identical to the one she had used when freeing Zephyr from his possession.

Though it felt diluted. As if she couldn't wield the level of strength she did then.

Slowly her glow flickered to life and traveled across her arms toward Zephyr.

In reaction his glow grew brighter as well, the armor plating along his body slowly opening

Ahsoka opened her eyes her breathing having become labored and weak.

"Don't force it. You can't push that much force energy through your body yet. You have to guide it" Zephyr explained, earning an anxious hum from Ahsoka.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

Slowly she felt the pain within her chest subside.

Both Ahsoka and Zephyr's glow seemed to stabilize, a quiet *thoom* sound being produced as a small wave of force energy pulsed from them.

Slowly the limited objects in Ahsoka's room started to float upward.

The light above the two flickered a turquoise color, then a neon green.

Unbeknownst to them the room had begun to shutter, the light above flickering between the two colors more frequently.

The ground suddenly quaked beneath them, the light above having begun to flicker far more violently.

A spark seemed to pass between them, causing both Padawan to snap open their eyes.

Ahsoka's eye were glowing a vibrant turquoise color, a deep shimmer being visible within them.

Zephyr's were of course glowing Neon green, though this time the glow seemed much deeper, having a sort of shimmer to them as well.

The temple gave away around them, leaving the both of them floating above molten rock and magma.

Ash fluttered through the air as the sound of a lightsaber clash caught both of their attention.

On some sort of structure above the lava, two people could be seen fighting. Each wielding a blue lightsaber.

The two were encased in a cloud of ash before being transported somewhere else.

It was a junk planet, one where machines roamed the surface. Breathing fire and melting scrap.

The sound of maniacle laughter caught both of their attention, A hooded figure standing across from them.

The sound of marching accompanied hooded figure.

Then finally there was one last location.

It was a dark chamber of sorts.

The darkness was pierced by a scarlet red lightsaber, a curved hilt and it's owner.

The next thing both Padawan knew they were falling backward, each breathing heavily as the world around them came back into focus.

The ground stopped quaking beneath them and the light stopped flickering. Letting the floating objects in the room clatter to the ground.

"What....the heck was that." Ahsoka asked in a frightened tone, not moving from her position.

"I have...no clue, I was just trying to help you with controlling your-"

"I know, I wasn't blaming you" Ahsoka said as she collapsed to her back, breathing heavily.

Zephyr did the same shortly after, an uncomfortable silence falling between them.

"Lets just keep this between us for now, okay?" Ahsoka stated, earning a nod from Zephyr.

*To Be Continued*

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