Chapter One: An Opportunity

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'Zephyr found himself standing inside one of the many elevators of the Jedi temple, the two clones that had been assigned to guard him are with him aswell. One on each side of the young cyborg'

'Zephyr had no clue why he was here or where the clones were taking him. But he could feel the tension in the growing as he grew closer to wherever the clones had to take him'

'The elevator doors suddenly opened causing Zephyr to jump lightly, his attention being caught by one of the clones gesturing to step out'

"This is your stop kid" 'The first clone said causing Zephyr to hesitantly step out of the elevator, walking directly into the council's meeting'

'The majority of the Jedi Council had actually arrived in the flesh. Save for Ki-Adi-Mundi And Saesee-Tiin as they were currently out on a mission'

'Yoda was the first to notice Zephyr's presence, causing the other Jedi within the room to turn their attention to the cyborg'

Obi-wan: "Everyone. This is the boy the grandmaster was speaking" 'Obi-wan stated as Zephyr stopped next to him, a clearly uneasy expression having taken hold of his face'

Yoda: "An important day this is. In the presence of a conduit we are" 'Yoda stated with a light smile crossing his face'

Shaak-ti: "This is the boy?" 'Shaak-ti asked curiously, a light tone of surprise was audible in her voice as she stepped towards Zephyr'

Plo-koon: "Indeed he is. I can sense his connection to the Force. It is rather....unruly" 'Plo-koon stated with a subtle chuckle as he crossed his arms'

'Shaak-ti turned her attention back to Zephyr, holding her hand out to him softly'

Shaak-ti: "May I see your hand young one?" 'Shaak-ti asked softly, earning an unsure expression from Zephyr before he hesitantly held his left hand out to the Jedi, letting her inspect it'

'Shaak-ti curiously looked over Zephyr's hand, tracing her fingers along the lines between the  plating of his palm. She could sense the sheer power that his arm could exert, as well as the intensity of his connection to the Force'

Shaak-ti: "To imagine that the separatists would go as far as experimenting on children" 'The older woman said in a disgusted tone as she released Zephyr's hand'

Mace-windu: "Considering they have a general such as Grievous. It's hardly a surprise" 'Windu stated with a blunt tone, earning a light annoyed glance from Shaak-ti'

 Yoda: "An important decision we have for you to make Zephyr" 'Yoda said in an honest tone, earning a look of confusion from Zephyr'

Obi-wan: "While this is a rather important decision, it is one you should not take lightly" 'Obi-wan says in a warning but honest tone, only serving to elevate Zephyr's anxiety'

Yoda: "Strong in the force you are. Teach you in the ways of the Jedi we will" 'Yoda says as he looks to Zephyr'

Plo-koon: "That is if you accept . We will not force you too join the order" 'Plo-koon add in a reassuring tone'

'Zephyr stands in a conflicted state, this was the first time he had been given any choice in what he wanted to do, what would he even do if he refused? Where would he go?'

'Zephyr looks down to his hands as a revelation crosses his mind. He had no memory of who he was nor where he was from, all he did know was his name. As if it was programmed into his head. If anyone could help him learn about his past it would be the Jedi'

'Zephyr let out a hesitant sigh, a look of resolve replacing his prior confliction as he turns his attention to the grandmaster, nodding in agreement'

'A light grin crosses the grandmaster's face, having recognized the look of determination that had crossed Zephyr's face'

Yoda: "Decided it is. A Jedi you will become" 'Yoda says in a pleased tone'

Obi-wan: "Now all we need to do is find him a master" 'Obi-wan says in a blunt tone, earning a hum from Yoda'

Yoda: "Responsible for him I will be. Teach him alone, one master cannot" 'Yoda states, earning confused glances from the other council members'

Mace-windu: "I'm afraid I'm not following" 'Windu stated in a blunt tone'

Yoda: "A collective effort this will be. Focus my efforts on teaching him control I must"

*To Be Continued*

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