Chapter Two: Uh-Oh

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'Zephyr found himself in a panic, not only was he being sent to infiltrate the base on the moon below him. He was going alone in an A-T-T-E walker, which was being piloted remotely. The walker had been retrofitted to allow such a thing, however it was clear the augmentations weren't exactly up to republic standards'

'Wires were hanging out of a panel under the secondary seat in the main cabin of the walker, the entire control panel was flickering and sputtering weakly as the walker marched towards the base, having yet to be noticed'

'Zephyr had hardly noticed the increased gravity. However the walker hew as currently residing in was definitely being impacted by it. Each step was audibly straining on the machine as it slowly lumbered its way across the desolate surface of the moon'

'The joints of the walker groaned and hissed as it stomped along, the walker would shudder and quake ever so often as it's systems were working in overclock to keep moving. Zephyr had been given a respirator like mask for when he was outside of the pressurized cabin of the A.T.T.E walker' 

'Zephyr's panicked state was knocked out of the metaphorical way by the sound of his com link going off, causing him to scramble momentarily before picking up the call'

"Zephyr, Can you hear me?" 'Obi-wan's voice came through the communicator that was magnetized to Zephyr's left arm'

'Zephyr gave a hum of confirmation, not really wanting to use the only current form of speech he had available'

"Alright. lets go over the plan again" 'Obi-wan stated in a calm tone, likely being able to sense Zephyr's anxiety'

" The walker will continue towards the base as long as it can, however once the separatist's notice it they will undoubtedly sends some droids out to handle it. That is when you have to make your way inside. Once inside you will have to find the main control center to shut down the gravity generator" 'Obi-wan explains, likely referring to some sort of hologram infront of him'

'As silence fell within the cabin Zephyr had a mortified expression cross his face, his eyes beginning to take on an orange hue'

'On the command ship that was just outside of the moon's orbit both Obi-wan and Cody were standing infront of a holographic projection of the moon below them. Watching the A.T.T.E slowly walk across the barren surface'

Cody: " I'm still not sure about this" 'Cody states with a sigh, resting his helmet on the holographic table'

Obi-wan: "It's not like we have much of a choice Cody, if even the walker is having troubles down there then its likely I wouldn't have even been able to go to the surface" 'Obi-wan states with a sigh as he crosses his arms'

Cody: "But why did we send a walker down there? It's not exactly hiding" 'Cody asked in confusion'

Obi-wan: "That's the point Cody. We need them to think it's just the walker. Once Zephyr had disabled the gravity generator. Then we can send down reinforcements" 'Obi-wan explains casually'

'Zephyr had sat himself down in the main control seat of the walker watching outside of the walker through the screen'

'He had begun to familiarize himself with the controls of the A.T.T.E, mostly out of a need to distract himself. If not from a little bit of boredom aswell'

'While he couldn't interfere with all too much due to the fact the walker was being remote controlled. He did learn how to activate the on board scanning system, as well as how to start the warm up sequence for the main cannon'

'Zephyr felt his heart drop as the main bay door of the base began to open, the familiar stomping of droids walking in unison beginning to come through the screen'

'Out of the shadow of the storage bay a small army of droids began to emerge, however these droids weren't the typical B-1 battle droids, nor were they super battle droids'

'These droids stood a menacing seven feet tall and were incredibly bulky. The droids had one large triangular camera like eye in the center of their pyramid shaped heads, however they did have the typical separatist paint job as the normal B-1 droids'

'As the droids came to a stop one of them raised its right arm towards the A.T.T.E it opened up, allowing a barrel like extension to extend from the palm of the hand. The droid then tilted its head slightly, a red glow beginning to form within the barrel'

*To Be Continued*


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