Chapter Two: Huyang And The Crucible

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"Shouldn't you be on Kamino?" 'Zephyr asked in confusion as he walked with Shaak-Ti'

'The older woman let out a small chuckle as she walked with the Padawan into the Venator's large hanger'

"I believe this is more important than me missing a few days overseeing the Clone training program. You're going to get to construct your lightsaber" 'Shaak-Ti admitted with a mildly proud tone'

'A hesitant smile crossed Zephyr's face as he rotated his left wrist. Still feeling a little resistance from the repairs that were done to his arm'

"Speaking of. May I see your crystal, I hear it is quite special" 'Shaak-Ti asked curiously'

'Zephyr carefully reached into his pocket, pulling out the glowing green gemstone like kyber crystal'

"Remarkable. This one is quite strong in the force" 'Shaak-Ti admitted as she gently held the stone in her hand'

'After a moment the crystal flickered before it stopped glowing, it's connection to the force seemingly having been cut'

'Zephyr carefully took it back from the older Jedi. Causing the crystal to light back up the moment he was holding it'

"It's a little testy" 'Zephyr stated with an apologetic tone, placing the crystal back in his pocket'

"It would seem so" 'Shaak-Ti agreed with a chuckle'

'Zephyr followed the older Jedi into a small transport shuttle, anxiously clutching his left wrist'

'Ever since he had joined the Jedi Order Zephyr had felt incredibly anxious, he felt as though everyone's expectations of him were far higher than the average Jedi'

'He knew his connection to the force was stronger than most. But he couldn't really sense it, most things came to him in the moment'

'Zephyr jumped as he felt Shaak-Ti softly place her hand upon his shoulder, causing the cybernetic Jedi to look up to her'

"Are you alright Padawan? You seem shaken" 'Shaak-Ti asked curiously as they sat down, feeling the shuttle they were in begin to lift off'

"I'm okay, just nervous is all. Everyone has really high expectations for me" 'Zephyr explained, anxiously rotating his left wrist'

"And you feel as though you wont meet them?" 'Shaak-Ti asked curiously'

'Zephyr hesitated before nodding bashfully, earning a soft chuckle from the older Jedi'

"You needn't worry Padawan, I felt the same way whe I first joined the order. Everyone does at first" 'Shaak-Ti reassured, removing her hand from Zephyr's shoulder'

"So where are we going exactly?" 'Zephyr asked curiously'

"We are heading to the crucible. Luckily it has just been repaired and Huyang has been reinstated after his own repairs"
'The Jedi Master explained, earning a confused expression from Zephyr'

"What happened exactly?"

"Oh Padawan Tano had quite the adventure. She had accompanied a group of younglings during the gathering ceremony. When they went to construct their lightsabers they were attacked" 'Shaak-Ti explained, earning a nod of understanding from the cybernetic Padawan'

'The ship rumbled before it jolted to a stop. Causing Shaak-Ti to stand up'

"Well it would seem we've arrived, seems Huyang didn't get very far" 'The older Jedi stated with a chuckle as Zephyr stood up as well'

'Zephyr followed the older togrutan woman closely, giving him the opportunity to genuinely calm his mind'

'Shaak-Ti led Zephyr through the hallways of the crucible. The ship was much older in design when compared to the newer modern ships of the republic'

'Shaak-Ti led Zephyr through one final doorway, stopping as they entered what looked like a large store room with a holo table in the center'

'After a moment a Architect droid rounded a corner, it's eyes widening slightly upon noticing the jedi master'

"Ah, Jedi master Shaak-Ti! What do I owe the pleasure?" 'Huyang asked with a mild tone of curiosity in his voice'

"I have come with Padawan Zephyr. He is here to construct his lightsaber" 'Shaak-Ti explained'

'Huyang turned his attention to Zephyr, what could be described as curiosity being visible on his "face" '

"Well, well. Arent you a curiosity" 'Huyang stated as he looked Zephyr over'

"A Mandalorian. Your people are quite rare to the Jedi order" 'Huyang added, a lightly intruiged tone being audible in his voice'

*To Be Continued*

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