Being Hunted

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Ahsoka held the bars of her cage tightly as Zephyr's cybernetics whirred and clicked to life, waking slowly.

He slowly sat up, his arms and legs sputtering and sparking as their glow began to struggle to stay on.

His eyes sparked and flickered as he banged his head, an annoyed groan escaping him.

"Hey Z' " Ahsoka said in slight relief, sitting in a more comfortable position.

"Where. The hell. Are we" Zephyr asked in a growl as he held his head, his eyes still flickering.

"I don't know. We were taken hostage by some Trandoshan thugs. They took our lightsabers and our comm links"

"Were in the dark" Ahsoka explained as Zephyr sat down, looking to her.

"They're trandoshan hunters. They are going to release us....and hunt us for sport" An individual chimed in from across Ahsoka.

"Yeah. Not happening" Zephyr remarked simply, the plating on his arms opening wide.

The glow of his eyes breifly intensified before sparks shot from his cybernetics. A pained groan escaping him.

"Don't push yourself Z' Cybernetics don't do well with electric shocks" Ahsoka warned, a frustrated growl escaping the cyborg.

Zephyr's eyes flickered to a red color, the cybernetic glow doing the same as he powered through his Cybernetic short circuit. As if willing work.

Ahsoka watched Warily as Zephyr gripped the metal bars. His arms whirring and sparking as he strained against them.

"Zephyr?" Ahsoka asked in concern. Moving as close to him as she could.

Zephyr's arms began to spark further as the metal bars let out a loud groan. Slowly bending.

The floor beneath them creaked.  Catching their attention.

Ahsoka let out an alarmed gasp as she fell to a sandy floor, the light near vanishing as she was released from the ship.

Zephyr clanked to the ground, his eyes still glowing a dull red as he lay on the sand.

"ZEPHYR GET UP!" Ahsoka shouted as she stood up, looking at the large ship in front of them.

Zephyr pressed his forehead against the ground as his metals plating fluttered open trying to pull on the Force to give him strength.

Before he could stand he was met with the ship firing an array of blaster bolts at him. Clipping his back.

Ahsoka's eyes widened in horror as Zephyr fell to the ground. The Blaster bolts repeatedly striking the patches of metal on his back.

The metal seemed to absorb the heat of each blaster bolt.

As the blaster fire became more irratic Ahsoka's white markings began glowing a vibrant Cyan color.

Calling on all her strength in the force she pulled Zephyr over to her, the Blaster fire following.

Her eyes widened as she was met with Zephyr colliding with her at high speed. Knocking the wind out of her.

As she held him she let out a dry heave. Her glow fading.

She found he was unconscious and VERY warm...near scorching.

She narrowed her eyes toward the ship. Watching it gun down other people as they tried escaping into the brush.

"Come on you metal with me here!!" Ahsoka said loudly as she hoisted Zephyr up. Clenching an eye shut upon feeling just how heavy he was.

She carried him, slowly making progress. The occasional string of sparks firing from his arms or legs.

A Blaster bolt *PLINGED* off of Zephyr's shoulder. Earning a brief look of concern from Ahsoka as she carried him.

"You aren't dying on me now...not after everything we've been through" Ahsoka said to herself. Trying to pick up her pace

*To Be Continued*

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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