Chapter Two: Retrieval

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"All right! Let's get this sweep done as quick as possible!" 'A clone said loudly as he and his brothers marched across the barren rocky surface of the asteroid. Standing infront of the remnants of the separatist base'

'Obi-wan turned his attention from the clones as he Continued walking, adjusting his oxygen mask as he did so'

"How is he Cody?" 'Obi-wan asked as he approached his second in command. Stopping next to him'

"Well we havent been able to make contact, as I'm Sure you can tell why" 'Cody said as he gestured to the wall of steam infront of him'

"Otherwise he has been unresponsive to our attempts at communicating. He may be unconscious" 'Cody informed as he watched the Jedi general approach the steam'

'The steam was flowing upwards as if it were coming from a pressurized valve. It had also seemed to form a circular wall like structure'

'Obi-wan simply raised his left hand to the wall of steam as he reached out through the force, causing it to slowly part'

'Cody watched as Obi-wan slowly walked through the small gap, which closed behind him'

Almost immediately the Jedi master felt the heat blast him in the face. The ground beneath him was scorched and slanted. Still partly glowing orange in places'

'The Jedi slowly and carefully made his way through the steam, following the incline cautiously. Making sure to have a proper footing before advancing'

'Through the steam he could make out shapes and silhouettes. He could see the downed walked, which was knocked on its side, the small bit of it he could see was also glowing a vibrant orange color. Though it otherwise seemed undamaged'

'As the steam parted Obi-wan squinted his eyes ever so slightly. At the sudden change. Finding he was at the bottom of the crater'

'Zephyr was laying on the ground in a heap, his arms, legs and even the plating along his back had been stuck open. The metal having turned a vibrant orange color as steam ploomed out from under the armor'

'Cautiously crouching down next to him Obi-wan pushed Zephyr over onto his back, finding he was unconscious, his eyes having turned off which in turn left his eye sockets pitch black'

'Using the force Obi-wan struggled momentarily before he managed to lift Zephyr up, using his free hand to keep the steam surrounding him at a safe distance'

'Despite his proficiency in the force Obi-wan was struggling to hold the young cyborg up. It was as if the force itself was fighting against the Jedi master, trying to free Zephyr from his grasp'

'Just as he had managed to break through the outermost layer of steam Obi-wan's grip faltered just enough for him to drop Zephyr. Causing him to fall to the surface of the asteroid'

'As Obi-wan fell to a knee he grasped his left arm with his right hand, a burning sensation having stared to take hold of it'

"Are you allright general?" 'Cody asked, having moved to the Jedi's side'

"Yes I do believe so....though im not so sure about Zephyr" 'Obi-wan said warily as he stood back up, looking toward Zephyr in thought'

"He's unharmed?" 'Cody asked curiously, earning a nod from Obi-wan'

"In body only I'm sure. I will need to speak with grandmaster Yoda immediately" 'Obi-wan explained as he watched the plating on Zephyr's arms and legs slowly close. Their previous pitch black color having started to return'

"What exactly was that he pulled? I've never seen anything like it"  'Cody asked curiously as he watched a pair of clones bring a stretcher over, lifting Zephyr into it'

"Nor have I. But it was by far the most devastating use of the force I've seen. Especially from a Padawan" 'Obi-wan said in thought as he started to walk towards the nearest L.A.A.T'

"Was anything found within the wreckage of the facility?" 'Obi-wan asked with a sigh'

"Afraid not sir. The entire structure was pretty much totalled in the Padawan's attack" 'Cody informed, earning a defeated sigh from the Jedi general'

*To Be Continued*

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