Chapter Two: Mission Start!

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'Zephyr found himself walking through the corridors of the Jedi temple. This time however he was wandering through a section of the temple he had never been in, Zephyr was walking to the hangar bay'

'Today was the day Zephyr was partaking in a mission. While he was extraordinarily nervous he was grateful for being placed under Obi-wan's command rather than under Skywalker's command. He may have not been a Jedi for long, but he had already heard rumor's of what Skywalker would do on a mission'

'Suffice to say the young cyborg found some solace that he was being watched over by a Jedi who actually seemed to be responsible'

'As Zephyr walked into the hangar he was greeted by the various sounds one would expect in such a place, various types of personal and military ships were landing and taking off, clones and Jedi alike were boarding vessels and preparing for duty'

'After a brief time of searching Zephyr had found Obi-wan's location. The Jedi master seemed to be talking with a clone, his armor had yellow markings across it'

Obi-wan: "Ah there you are. I though you might have gotten lost again" 'Obi-wan states with a light chuckle as he noticed Zephyr'

Zephyr: *I think I'm learning the layout. For the most part anyway* 'Zephyr signed in a slightly embarrassed manner'

Obi-wan: "You will in due time. Zephyr this is Commander Cody, my second in command" 'Obi-wan says calmly, introducing Zephyr to the clone'

Cody: "Have you ever seen combat before?" 'Cody asked in a slightly unsure tone, earning a shake of Zephyr's head'

Obi-wan: "This will be his first mission" 'Obi-wan confirms, earning a brief sigh from Cody'

Cody: "Well. At least you weren't stuck with Skywalker" 'Cody remarks as he turns, leaving to address the small number of clones that had yet to board the cruiser in orbit'

Obi-wan: "I hope you got enough rest Zephyr, because today is going to be quite the test for you" 'Obi-wan informed as he turned to the young cyborg, crossing his arms as he did so'

Zephyr: *I believe I got enough, though I doubt I'll be of much help either way* 'Zephyr signed honestly, earning a thoughtful hum from Obi-wan'

Obi-wan: "Don't be so rash, you may just surprise yourself today" 'Obi-wan states with a light hint of curiosity in his voice'

'Before Zephyr could respond a gust of wind had been blown into the hangar, causing Zephyr to tense up as he winced slightly, watching the L.A.A.T fly infront of both Zephyr and Obi-wan, landing shortly afterwards a few feet from them'

Obi-wan: "That's for us. Come along" 'Obi-wan states as he had begun walking towards the dropship'

'Zephyr hesitantly followed the Jedi master aboard the vessel as the remaining clones boarded behind them. Zephyr's anxiety was burning brighter than it already had been, not only was he past the point of backing out from this mission, but he was about to actively leave the planet's atmosphere'

 'Obi-wan was obviously able to sense Zephyr's anxiety as he had placed a hand on the cyborg's shoulder, attempting to steady his nerves'

Obi-wan: "You have nothing to fear Zephyr, By this time two days from now you will be back in the temple reporting to Master Yoda" 'Obi-wan reassures, earning an unsure hum from Zephyr'

'Obi-wan made his way to the cockpit of the L.A.A.T, leaving Zephyr to stand amongst the clones, holding onto one of the metal bars that were above him'

'As the craft begun to take off Zephyr felt it rattle and shake, causing him to grip the support bar above him harder, a light metallic creek coming from it as it bent ever so slightly'

'Zephyr's fear was quickly washed away as the ship left orbit and the flight had begun to stabilize, Once he was calm enough a sense of wonder overcame him as he looked out the porthole next to him'

'Zephyr marveled at the scene infront of him, watching both Coruscant as well as the fleet the ship was approaching'

'The city wide planet looked incredible from space, it looked as if the entire planet had been turned into a spectacle'

'Looking down at the planet Zephyr felt a stabbing pain run through his head momentarily, causing him to place a hand on his forehead, staggering lightly'

'After a moment the pain faded, letting Zephyr take one final glance at the planet below. Only being interrupted as the L.A.A.T initiated the boarding process'

*To Be Continued*

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