Light And Dark

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Zephyr quickly blocked a strike from Kenobi before leaning to the left, dodging a slash from Windu.

With a swift kick he sent Kenobi sprawling backward, blocking a strike from Anakin.

Anakin's eyes widened as Zephyr gripped the blade of his lightsaber. A triumphant laugh escaping from the teen.

Zephyr's vision blurred as he was met with a kick to the head, his cybernetic eyes glitching with static.

"Take this seriously you must. Hold back you cannot" The grandmaster said as he landed on his feet. Saber ignited.

"The grandmaster is right. You need to fight like its life or death!" Anakin stated, looking to his saber.

"Because it is!" He said as he lunged at Zephyr, near instantly locking the boy in to a defensive state.

Ahsoka stood up wide eyed as she watched Zephyr grasp Obi-wan's blade, holding it back.

She narrowed her eyes and grit her teeth as Windu pierced through Zephyr's abdomen with his lightsaber.

Zephyr let out a pained cry, his eye sockets flickering green.

"Where is your fighting spirit boy?!" Windu asked in annoyance as he pushed the glowing blade further through Zephyr.

"All you can do is this?" The grandmaster asked, tilting his head.

"Hmmm protect young Ahsoka you will not like this" He said bluntly, earning a glare from Zephyr

"Fail to assure her safety you will. Unlike the ferocity she saved you with" the small Jedi said as he narrowed his eyes.

Zephyr grit his teeth, his eye sockets flickering a neon green.

Zephyr let out a cry of fury, force pushing the sorrounding Jedi away from him.

Each Jedi found themselves being lifted up into the air before violently being slammed into the ground, as if gravity had been increased multiple times over.

Moment's later the sorrounding Jedi were lifted in to the air once more, Zephyr's eye sockets flaring a deep red.

Arcs of red energy sparked around his arms, the plating on each arm opening wide.

Each Jedi was thrown across the room crashing in to one wall each, cracking it.

The light above began to flicker and the floor began to crack as Zephyr began exerting more strength through the force.

A strange mask of sorts came out of the sides of his face, covering the lower half of his face with a hiss as it pressurized his internal systems.

Zephyr recalled his light saber to his right hand, igniting it's blade to reveal a dark crimson color to it.

Anakin began pushing himself from the wall, catching Zephyr's attention.

Zephyr's eyes narrowed before he thrust his left hand forward, causing Anakin to slam face first back into the wall.

The white markings along Ahsoka's body erupted with a bright cyan-green glow as she threw herself over the railing.

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